Created by ablackwood
over 11 years ago
We refer to water baptism as a _____.
Water baptism was _____ by Christ as recorder in Matthew 28:19, 20.
The ordinance of water baptism is to be administered by the _____.
Water baptism represents the believer’s entrance into the _____.
The visible symbols of the sacrament of water baptism are _____ and the act of _____.
The element of water represents the washing of _____.
The actual spiritual experience is provided by the _____ of God and the _____ of Christ.
The act of immersion represents the believer’s _____ with Christ.
Baptism is Christ’s ordained witness to the believer’s _____ and to the believer’s _____ in Christ.
Baptism is a _____ of God’s work of regeneration.
Water baptism is important as an act of _____.
Sacraments are designed to portray _____.
In order to represent death, burial, and resurrection, _____ is appropriate.
Romans 6:4, 5 describe the relationship between our walk in newness of life and the _____ of Jesus Christ.
The church is the temporal _____ for God in the administering of this sacrament.
When the church baptizes and individual, it is an acknowledgement that the church accepts the _____ of the individual concerning his salvation.
According to 1 Peter 3:21, baptism is the answer of a good _____ toward God.
Though water baptism does not regenerate, it is spiritually related to our baptism into the _____ as described in Galations 3:27.
The correct formula for the administering of water baptism is “in the name of the _____, and of the _____, and of the _____.”
The words of the baptismal formula worship the _____.