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Created by María Marchante
almost 7 years ago
Exercise 1
1. Create a figure object called fig using plt.figure()
2. Use add_axes to add an axis to the figure canvas at [0,0,1,1]. Call this new axis ax.
3. Plot (x,y) on that axes and set the labels and titles to match the plot below:
Exercise 2.1
1. Create a figure object and put two axes on it, ax1 and ax2. Located at [0,0,1,1] and [0.2,0.5,.2,.2] respectively.
Exercise 2.2
2. Now plot (x,y) on both axes. And call your figure object to show it.
Exercise 3.1
Create the plot below by adding two axes to a figure object at [0,0,1,1] and [0.2,0.5,.4,.4]
Exercise 3.2
Now use x,y, and z arrays to recreate the plot below. Notice the xlimits and y limits on the inserted plot:
Exercise 4.1
Use plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2) to create the plot below.
Exercise 4.2
Now plot (x,y) and (x,z) on the axes. Play around with the linewidth and style
Exercise 4.3
See if you can resize the plot by adding the figsize() argument in plt.subplots() are copying and pasting your previous code.