1. Who was most likely author of John’s Gospel? Explain.
2. How does the date of John’s Gospel compare with the dates of the Synoptics and Acts?
3. What is one explanation for John’s omission of many things covered in the Synoptics?
4. Why did John choose to highlight seven signs?
5. Define the word believe.
6. What is life in John, and how do we get it?
7. Since a person’s reception and belief in Jesus is a life or death matter, how concerned should we be with presenting an accurate and effective witness of who He is?
8. Summarize the three main characteristics of John found in the introduction.
9. Give four examples of contrast in John’s Gospel.
10. Identify the seven signs in John, and explain the spiritual truth linked to each sign.
10.1 Changing water into wine
10.2 Healing the official's son
10.3 Healing the man at the pool
10.4 Feeding the five thousand people
10.5 Walking on water
10.6 Healing the blind man
10.7 Raising Lazarus from the dead
11. Explain the error of the multitude following Jesus.
12. Jesus healed a blind man and taught about spiritual blindness (John 9:1–41). Consider the relationship that must always exist between spiritual sight and humility. Evaluate your own life in relation to this truth.
13. Re-create the “I am” list from memory.
14. What lessons about believing can be learned from Andrew, Peter, and Nicodemus?
15. Reflect on at least three ways your ministry is dependent on the work of the Holy Spirit.