1. List some of the factors you would consider when deciding whether to refer the infant or young child with gastroenteritis to hospital for admission.
2. TRUE/FALSE - viral gastroenteritis.
a. When giving a fluid bolus, half normal saline (N/2) with 2.5% dextrose is an appropriate fluid to use.
2. TRUE/FALSE - viral gastroenteritis.
b. Nasogastric rehydration with an oral rehydration solution is as safe as (or safer than) and as effective as intravenous fluid in the treatment of gastroenteritis with moderate dehydration.
2. TRUE/FALSE - viral gastroenteritis.
c. Anti-motility agents are useful in decreasing diarrhoea in viral gastroenteritis.
2. TRUE/FALSE - viral gastroenteritis.
d. Continued breast feeding is recommended throughout the illness.
2. TRUE/FALSE - viral gastroenteritis.
e. Lactose free formula is recommended in children with acute gastroenteritis in the recovery phase.