Created by briannamariani1
over 11 years ago
New England Colonies
Middle Atlantic Colonies
The Southern Colonies
Which colonial region became known as the "breadbasket" and why?
What important events occurred in 1619?
What war was known as the Seven Years' War?
Why did the colonists reject the idea of being taxed?
What laws did England pass that provoked fierce opposition?
What is the Proclamation Act?
What is the Sugar Act?
What is the Currency Act?
What were the "Sons of Liberty"?
What was the Townshend act and when was it passed?
When was the Boston Massacre?
What is guerilla warfare?
What are the first ten amendments to the Constitution known as?
What are "factions"? (in Britain)
Who were two of Washington's Chief advisors?
Who wanted the federal government to be stronger than the state government?
Who believed the state government should be stronger than the federal government?
Who believed that common people, especially farmers, were the backbone of the nation?
Who favored growth of trade, manufacturing, and the rise of cities as necessary parts of economic growth. Who favored leaders and mistrusted the common people?
What did Jefferson's supporters call themselves?
What did Hamilton's supporters call themselves?
When and how did Alexander Hamilton die?
What is a whig?
Who was the first leader of the Democratic party?
Those who favored slower growth and were more work - and small farmer - oriented were known as
In the United States, territorial expansion occurred in the expansion westward, known as
What was the Corps of Discovery?
Those who opposed slavery, used The ____________, to prove their point, showing that the land being considered for territories was part of the area they had designated as banned for slavery.
What was the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and when was it passed?
What was the Dred Scott decision?
When was the Battle of Gettysburg?
What is known as the first modern war?
In which war did these take place: first soldiers to fight in trenches; first to fight under a unified command; first to wage a defense called "major cordon defense"
What happened to slavery after the Civil War?
The conclusions of the civil war...
What were the primary activities of the new western economy?
What was the Dawes Act of 1887?
What dramatic changes took place after the Civil War?
How did the use of machines in industries change life?
What is "division of labor"?
What happened when the rate of production was increased?
When did the stock prices begin to slip?
What percentage of people nationwide were unemployed?
Why did they call it Hooverville?
Why were businesses collapsing?
When did Hoover finally provide government relief?
What President got elected after Hoover?
What were the first two major steps in The New Deal?
What was the Glass-steagall Act?
What was the social security act of 1935?
When did the economy recover fully?
What was the Truman Doctrine?
When did the United Nations form and why?
What are the two most significant political changes?
What was the first commercially successful steamboat, and led the pack as the fastest way to ship goods?
What happened to labor laws in the 1830's?