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Quiz on Basic Nursing Quiz 6, created by mminter002 on 11/10/2014.

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Created by mminter002 almost 10 years ago

Basic Nursing Quiz 6

Question 1 of 20


A patient experiences expressive aphasia after a stroke. Which expected outcome is appropriate for this patient?

Select one of the following:

  • Follows commands when asked

  • Communicates effectively using a translator

  • Uses alternative methods of communication

  • Interprets messages accurately


Question 2 of 20


Which form of communication is the nurse using when interviewing the patient during the admission health history and physical assessment?

Select one of the following:

  • Intrapersonal

  • Interpersonal

  • Group

  • Small group


Question 3 of 20


A 77-year-old woman with an inoperable brain tumor has been hospitalized for the past 5 days. Her daughter comes to visit her. The patient has asked that her daughter not be told her diagnosis. After visiting with her mother, the daughter asks to speak to the nurse. She says, “My mother claims she has pneumonia, but I know she is not telling me the truth.” The daughter asks the nurse to tell her what is truly wrong with her mother. The nurse should tell her that:

Select one of the following:

  • Her mother has requested that her case not be discussed with anyone, not even family.

  • Her mother has an inoperable brain tumor, but does not wish anyone to know.

  • She needs to speak to the physician in charge of her mother’s care.

  • Her mother is very sick with a serious case of pneumonia that could lead to death.


Question 4 of 20


The nurse must insert a nasogastric (NG) tube into a patient with a bowel obstruction. Before inserting the tube, the nurse must explain the procedure to the patient. Which explanation by the nurse is best, assuming that all provide correct information?

Select one of the following:

  • “Lie still, please; I need to elevate the head of the bed and insert this tube into your face."

  • “I’m going to insert an NG tube and connect it to low Gomco to keep your stomach empty.”

  • “I’m going to insert a tube through your nose into your stomach to prevent you from vomiting.”

  • “I’m going to insert an NG tube through your nares to suction your secretions and prevent emesis.”


Question 5 of 20


A 60-year-old patient with a treatable form of breast cancer has decided not to pursue radiation or chemotherapy. The nurse believes that the patient should be treated. She coerces her into receiving treatment by continuing to remind the patient about her responsibilities for raising her children. What type of behavior has the nurse displayed?

Select one of the following:

  • Paternalism

  • Beneficence

  • Autonomy

  • Non-maleficence


Question 6 of 20


When using the SBAR model to communicate with a physician, what information does the nurse offer first?

Select one of the following:

  • Statement of the problem and its probable cause

  • Hx of information related to and leading up to the situation

  • Nurse's name, pt's name, and reason for the communication

  • A solution to the problem or what is needed from the physician


Question 7 of 20


A homeless patient is admitted with an infected leg wound. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which nursing intervention meets one of his basic physiological needs?

Select one of the following:

  • Providing the pt with a dinner tray

  • Administering antibiotics as prescribed

  • Irrigating a wound with normal saline solution

  • Encouraging the pt to express his feelings


Question 8 of 20


A patient who speaks only Punjabi was admitted to the hospital after a motor vehicle accident. Assuming that the nurse does not speak Punjabi, what is the best way to communicate with this patient?

Select one of the following:

  • Ask a family member to serve as a translator

  • Request the services of a hospital translator

  • Use sign language for communicating

  • Speak in English and frequently ask, "Can you hear me now?"


Question 9 of 20


The nurse is caring for a group of patients on the medical-surgical unit. Which patient is most likely to experience the most difficulty in adapting to a change in body image? The patient:

Select one of the following:

  • With hypothyroidism who has coarse, dry, thinning hair and weight gain

  • Who is obese and who underwent gastric bypass surgery

  • With peripheral vascular disease who required a wound graft

  • Who suffered a traumatic amputation of the left leg in an industrial accident


Question 10 of 20


A patient newly diagnosed with breast cancer tells the nurse, “I’m worried I won’t live to see my children grow up.” Which response by the nurse best conveys concern and active listening?

Select one of the following:

  • “There have been many advances in breast cancer treatment; hope for the best.”

  • “Breast cancer is a serious disease; I can understand why you’re worried.”

  • “You’re strong and have youth on your side to fight the breast cancer.”

  • “May the odds be ever in your favor!”


Question 11 of 20


A patient had surgery 6 hours ago. When the nurse enters the room to turn him, she notes that he is restless and grimacing. Considering the patient’s nonverbal communication, what action should the nurse take first?

Select one of the following:

  • Administer pain medication to the pt

  • Assess to determine the cause of the grimacing

  • Leave the pt's room so he can rest quietly

  • Turn and reposition the pt


Question 12 of 20


A patient has asked the nurse to explain her laboratory results. The nurse informs the patient that he must first assist another patient to the bathroom and then he will explain the results. The nurse assists the other patient to the bathroom and then returns to explain the results to the patient. What moral principle has the nurse displayed?

Select one of the following:

  • Fidelity

  • Autonomy

  • Maleficence

  • Non-beneficence


Question 13 of 20


Which of the following is a nonverbal behavior that enhances communication?

Select one of the following:

  • Smiling awkwardly at the pt

  • Asking mostly open-ended questions

  • Maintaining a distance of 6-12 inches

  • Sitting down to speak with the pt


Question 14 of 20


Which nursing diagnosis is categorized as a psychosocial, rather than a self-concept, diagnosis?

Select one of the following:

  • Situational Low Self-Esteem

  • Disturbed Body Image

  • Ineffective Individual Coping

  • Disturbed Personal Identity


Question 15 of 20


An alert, oriented, and competent frail older adult man has been told that he is dying, and has asked to have a DNAR order put on his chart. The patient’s family does not agree with his decision and asks the healthcare team to ignore the request. The healthcare team does not comply with the family’s wishes, and after several days the family takes the matter to court. The court sides with the family and orders the healthcare team to remove the DNAR order. This is an example of which of the following?

Select one of the following:

  • An effort to keep peace on the unit

  • Settlement of an issue by force

  • An integrity-producing compromise

  • An ethically sound compromise


Question 16 of 20


A patient being admitted in hypertensive crisis informs the nurse that he stopped taking his blood pressure medication 3 weeks ago. Which response by the nurse is best?

Select one of the following:

  • “Tell me more about your experience with your high blood pressure medication.”

  • “Why did you stop taking your high blood pressure medication?”

  • “You’re lucky you didn’t have a stroke; you really need to take your medication.”

  • “It’s very important to take your blood pressure medication.”


Question 17 of 20


Which statement by the nurse indicates that the nurse-patient relationship is entering the termination phase?

Select one of the following:

  • “I’m leaving for the day. Is there anything I can do for you before I leave?”

  • “Hello. My name is Katrina, and I’m going to be your nurse today.”

  • “You seem upset today. Would you like to talk about whatever is bothering you?”

  • “I’ll be admitting you to our nursing unit as soon as I obtain your health history.”


Question 18 of 20


A 45-year-old patient is ventilator dependent after a high cervical neck injury. He is alert and oriented and, after giving it much thought, has decided that he wants to be removed from the ventilator. The nurse believes the patient intends suicide but supports his final decision. When the ventilator is removed, the nurse remains with the patient to support him. The nurse’s action demonstrates respect for what moral principle?

Select one of the following:

  • Autonomy

  • Beneficence

  • Fidelity

  • Non-maleficence


Question 19 of 20


A health center that is interested in purchasing IV infusion pumps organizes a group of nurses to evaluate pumps provided by a variety of vendors. Which type of group has been organized?

Select one of the following:

  • Ongoing

  • Short-term

  • Self help

  • Work-related social support


Question 20 of 20


After a physician discusses cancer treatment options with a patient, the patient asks the nurse which treatment he should choose. Which response by the nurse is best?

Select one of the following:

  • “I’ll give you some information about each option.”

  • “Why don’t you see what your wife thinks.”

  • “If I were you, I’d go with chemotherapy.”

  • “What do you think about radiation therapy?”
