Created by Nathan Lapin
over 11 years ago
Characteristics of a Learning Community
“teller” role; expanded to teacher as guide, coach, cheerleader
The learner Role (can be teachers as well)
the ability to speak two (or more) dialects and to switch easily between or among them
Two types of Verbal Communication
a form of nonverbal language of signs spoken by the deaf
o Used instead of a spoken language
Range of % Nonverbal Communication Accounts for
Functions of Nonverbal Communication
refers to the “normal” distance considered appropriate between two people speaking
body language (e.g., gestures, facial expressions, eye contact)
vocalizations that are not words (e.g., sighs, laughter, crying)
What is all Intertwined?
Components of Learning Style
How did the origins of the learning style originate?
What was the Bilingual Education act of 1968?
• The 1974 Supreme Court decision that declared that school districts must provide students an education in languages that meet their needs.
established the need to develop programs for limited English proficient students and to train special staff.