Created by advanceinc
over 10 years ago
26. The International General Council meets ____________ to consider recommendations that are to be presented to the International General Assembly.
27. The largest group that comprises the International Executive Council is ____________.
28. A member of the Council of Eighteen is eligible to succeed himself for _______ term(s).
29. The distribution of tithes sent to the International Offices is the responsibility of the __________________ and the ______________________________.
30. State and provincial overseers are appointed by the ________________________.
31. After an International Executive Committee member has served eight years, he is ineligible to serve in that role for _____ year(s).
32. The general overseer will be elected for a __________-year term.
33. The assistant general overseer are elected for a _________-year term.
34. Furnishing the International General Assembly with financial reports is a primary responsibility of the _______________.
35. The director of Youth and Discipleship will be able to succeed himself ________ term.
36. The ___________ develops and sets forth the policy of the World Missions ministry and its operation.
37. The _______________ determines the eligibility of prospective missionaries.
38. The ________________ provides divers involvement in order to support an international perspective in fulfilling the mission of the Church of God.
39. The ___________________ advises the International Executive Committee on issues of international concern.
40. ________________________ recommends all prospective area superintendents.
41. The _________ recommends prospective missionaries to the director of World Missions.
42. A qualification of a ____________ is his ability to oversee people as well as programs.
43. As part of his accountability, a _______________ is to be a model by demonstrative, Christ-like attributes in his lifestyle and administration.
44. The state overseer's term of office shall be for ______ years.
45. The tenure of offices for the state overseer is for a maximum of ________ years in non-mission states.
46. The state overseer appoints ___________________ when necessary.
47. The state overseer approves the selection, purchase, and construction of all church, parsonage, or Sunday school properties, together with the respective ____________________.
48. Before launching large financial projects, the state overseer must have the approval of the __________________________________.
49. The state overseer, with the __________, may authorize exhorters to pastor, baptize, and receive members into the church, when such authority is necessary.
50. Except in national, territorial, provincial, or mission states, all state councilmen must be _________________.