Created by farah_tahir95
about 10 years ago
Describe the structure of prototypical neurons
Describe the function of the axon and dendrite
Identify ways of characterizing and naming neurons
Identify the 4 different classes of glial cells. Describe their role and location.
Identify the factors that lead to movement of ions across a membrane
Describe the factors affecting an ionic equilibrium potential or E(ion) (what voltage results from an imbalance in ionic concentrations)
Describe the factors affecting a cell's resting membrane potential
Describe the function of the Na/K-ATPase (Na-K pump)
Describe how selectivity and gating occur in Na+ and K+ channels
Describe why passive ion diffusion is an unreliable way to transfer signals between neurons
Describes the components of an action potential, including what channels are involved and when
Explain the action potential in terms of changes in the membrane permeability and ionic concentrations
Describe factors affecting the speed and nature of action potential conduction
Describe the structure and function of electrical synapses