Mitch Thornell
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Medications in seperate quiz

Mitch Thornell
Created by Mitch Thornell almost 6 years ago

Patho mod 1 (from matrix)

Question 1 of 43


A modifiable factor that increases the risk for atherosclerosis is:

Select one of the following:

  • leading a sedentary lifestyle.

  • excluding saturated fats from the diet.

  • being female and older than 40 years of age.

  • familial hypercholesterolemia.


Question 2 of 43


Cigarette smoking is a risk factor in coronary artery disease because smoking:

Select one of the following:

  • Decrease serum lipid levels

  • Increase serum HDL levels

  • Promotes platelet adhesion

  • Reduces vasoconstriction and peripheral resistance


Question 3 of 43


The most common cause of a myocardial ischaemia is:

Select one of the following:

  • arterial emboli from heart valve vegetation

  • venous emboli

  • Idiopathic vasospasm

  • atherosclerosis


Question 4 of 43


Which of the following is described by an incomplete blockage of coronary arteries; occurs when a the client exerts themself?

Select one of the following:

  • Stable Angina

  • Non-stable Angina

  • Non ST elevated MI

  • ST elevated MI


Question 5 of 43


George comes in complaining of episodic chest pain that is relieved after a couple of minutes, he states that it occurs at random times throughout the day, even when he is sitting down.
Imaging identifies an incomplete blockage by atherosclerotic plaque in the LAD.
What category of IHD is likely to be presenting in George?

Select one of the following:



  • Non-stable angina

  • Stable angina


Question 6 of 43


WIlson, aged 42, presents with a medical history of hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidaemia, smoking, and family history of premature CAD presents with retrosternal crushing chest pain (10/10 in intensity), radiating down the left arm and left side of the neck. He feels nauseated and light-headed and is short of breath. Examination reveals a hypotensive, diaphoretic man in considerable discomfort with diffuse bilateral rales on chest auscultation. ECG reveals convex ST-segment elevation in leads V1 to V6.
what is the diagnosis for this patient?

Select one of the following:

  • ST-elevation myocardial infarction

  • Non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction

  • Angina

  • Left-sided heart disease


Question 7 of 43


A 69-year-old man develops worsening substernal chest pressure after going for a walk in the morning before work. He tells his wife he feels a squeezing pain that is radiating to his jaw and left shoulder. He appears anxious and his wife calls for an ambulance, as he is distressed and sweating profusely. Past medical history is significant for HTN and he has been told by his doctor that he has borderline diabetes. On examination in the emergency department he is very anxious and diaphoretic. His heart rate is 112 bpm and BP is 159/93 mmHg. The ECG is significant for ST depression in the anterior leads. Three doses of sublingual glyceryl trinitrate provide little relief.
What is the most likely diagnosis

Select one of the following:

  • Non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction

  • ST-elevation myocardial infarction

  • Stable Angina

  • Variant Angina


Question 8 of 43


What is the difference between angina and MI?

Select one of the following:

  • Chest pain is greater in MI

  • incomplete occlusion of coronary arteries are present in MI

  • Irreversible cell death has occured in MI

  • transmural damage is present in MI


Question 9 of 43


Four patients were admitted to the emergency department with severe chest pain. All were given preliminary treatment with aspirin, morphine, and nitrates and were monitored by ECG. Which patient most likely experienced myocardial infarction?

Select one of the following:

  • A 67-year-old female whose pain started at 2 AM while she was asleep and responded to nitrates; the ECG showed arrhythmias and ST-segment elevation; cardiac markers remained stable.

  • An 80-year-old woman whose pain started at 6 AM shortly after awakening and was not relieved by nitrates or rest; the ECG showed ST-segment elevation; levels of cardiac markers subsequently rose.

  • A 33-year-old male whose pain started at 7 AM during moderate exercise and was relieved by nitrates; ECG was normal; cardiac markers remained stable.

  • A 61-year-old man whose pain started at 9 AM during a short walk and responded to nitrates, but not to rest; ECG and cardiac markers remained stable, but anginal pattern worsened.


Question 10 of 43


When comparing angina with myocardial infarction (MI), which statement is true?

Select one of the following:

  • Angina often occurs at rest; MI occurs during a stressful time.

  • Pain is more severe and lasts longer with angina than with MI.

  • Angina pain is relieved by rest and intake of nitroglycerin; the pain of MI is not.

  • Both angina and MI cause tissue necrosis.


Question 11 of 43


What type of IHD will have transmural damage on the heart?

Select one of the following:



  • Stable Angina

  • Variant Angina


Question 12 of 43


Whilst under the care for an infarction, which occured 4 days ago, Mary is suspected of having another Infarction, which cardiac marker will be most use full for prooving reinfarction?

Select one of the following:

  • Troponin I

  • CK - MB

  • CK - MM

  • Serum electrolyte levels


Question 13 of 43


Hypertension that is idiopathic is known as:

Select one of the following:

  • Tertiary

  • Essential

  • Secondary

  • Angina


Question 14 of 43


What type of hypertension is defined as uncontrollable hypertension even when treated with three or more drugs?

Select one of the following:

  • Malignant or resistant hypertension

  • Secondary hypertension

  • Primary or essential hypertension

  • Angina


Question 15 of 43


What type of hypertension is the result of another disease?

Select one of the following:

  • Secondary

  • Primary

  • Tertiary

  • Angina


Question 16 of 43


Atherosclerosis; sclerotic, narrow blood vessels, may be caused by what chronic condition?

Select one of the following:

  • Hypertension

  • Angina

  • Infarction

  • Shock


Question 17 of 43


A 34-year-old man who is an intravenous drug user has presented to the emergency department with malaise, abdominal pain, and lethargy. The health care team wants to rule out endocarditis as a diagnosis. Staff of the department would most realistically anticipate which of the following sets of diagnostics?

Select one of the following:

  • CT of the heart, chest x-ray, and ECG

  • ECG, blood pressure, and stress test

  • Cardiac catheterization, chest x-ray, electrolyte measurement, and white cell count

  • Echocardiogram, blood cultures, and temperature


Question 18 of 43


Which one of the following is not a pathophysiological change associated with heart failure?

Select one of the following:

  • Decreased angiotensin II production.

  • Increased myocardial oxygen demand.

  • Cardiac remodelling.

  • Decreased myocardial contractility.


Question 19 of 43


A 3-year-old child with right-sided heart failure has been admitted for worsening of his condition. Which of the following assessments would be considered one of the earliest signs of systemic venous congestion in this toddler?

Select one of the following:

  • Breathlessness with activity

  • Increased urine output

  • Enlargement of the liver

  • Excessive crying


Question 20 of 43


A nurse will be providing care for a female patient who has a diagnosis of heart failure that has been characterized as being primarily right sided. Which of the following statements best describes the presentation that the nurse should anticipate? The client

Select one of the following:

  • has cyanotic lips and extremities, low urine output, and low blood pressure.

  • complains of dyspnea and has adventitious breath sounds on auscultation (listening).

  • has a distended bladder, facial edema, and nighttime difficulty breathing.

  • has pitting edema to the ankles and feet bilaterally, decreased activity tolerance, and occasional upper right quadrant pain.


Question 21 of 43


A nurse will be providing care for a female patient who has a diagnosis of heart failure that has been characterized as being primarily right sided. Which of the following statements best describes the presentation that the nurse should anticipate? The client

Select one of the following:

  • has cyanotic lips and extremities, low urine output, and low blood pressure.

  • complains of dyspnea and has adventitious breath sounds on auscultation (listening).

  • has a distended bladder, facial edema, and nighttime difficulty breathing.

  • has pitting edema to the ankles and feet bilaterally, decreased activity tolerance, and occasional upper right quadrant pain.


Question 22 of 43


A 65-year-old male with history of untreated hypertension is now experiencing left heart failure. The most likely reason is

Select one of the following:

  • myocardial hypertrophy and ventricular remodelling

  • alterations in alpha and beta receptor function

  • Inhibition of renin and aldosterone

  • ventricular dilation and wall thinning


Question 23 of 43


Right heart failure will likely cause:

Select one of the following:

  • Pitting oedema in the lower legs resulting from increased venous pressure

  • non-pitting oedema in the arms, resulting from decreased arterial pressure

  • pulmonary oedema from increased left ventricular filling

  • all answers are correct


Question 24 of 43


Compensation mechanisms for decreased cardiac output in cases of congestive heart failure include:

Select one of the following:

  • increased renin and aldosterone secretions

  • Slow cardiac contractions

  • Fatigue and cold intolerance

  • Decreased erythropoietin secretion


Question 25 of 43


A 72-year-old female has history of right heart failure caused by a right ventricular myocardial infarction. which of the following symptoms are directly related to her heart failure?

Select one of the following:

  • significant oedema to both lower legs and feet

  • Decreased urine output

  • hypertension

  • pulmonary congestion


Question 26 of 43


All but one of the following are signs of congestive heart failure EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Polyuria

  • Muscle fatigue

  • oedema

  • cough


Question 27 of 43


What is not one of the ways a dysrhythmia may be classified?

Select one of the following:

  • Site of origin

  • Mechanism of disturbance

  • Duration of disturbance

  • Electrocardiogram (ECG) appearance


Question 28 of 43


Multifocal atrial tachycardia;

Select one of the following:

  • Originates from multiple non-SA sites within the atria and has >100 QRS complexes/min.

  • >100 QRS complexes/min. originating from nonSA
    node site (i.e. a single site in the atria (ectopic))

  • between 250-350 bpm caused by atrial re-entry mechanism

  • >350 bpm caused by multiple atrial re-entry mechanisms


Question 29 of 43


">350 bpm caused by multiple atrial re-entry mechanisms with the atria"

Select one of the following:

  • Atrial fibrillation

  • Atrial flutter

  • Atrial tachycardia (focal)

  • Atrial bradycardia


Question 30 of 43


What are the typical early clinical manifestations of anaemia?

Select one of the following:

  • Bradycardia, cyanosis

  • Pallor, dyspnea, and fatigue

  • Chest pain, palpitations

  • Jaundice, cyanosis


Question 31 of 43


Which of the following is typically not associated with anaemia?

Select one of the following:

  • disruption of haemoglobin chains

  • increased haemolysis

  • lack of intrinsic factor

  • high dietary iron intake


Question 32 of 43


Anaemia due to inherited mutations that reduce the production of either alpha or beta haemoglobin chains is known as:

Select one of the following:

  • haemolytic anaemia

  • thalassaemia

  • all answers are correct

  • pernicious anaemia


Question 33 of 43


Chronic blood loss causes anaemia because of the:

Select one of the following:

  • smaller amount of recycled iron available

  • loss of protein and electrolytes

  • lower metabolic rate

  • shortened life span of the erythrocytes


Question 34 of 43


Transmural damage is commonly seen in?

Select one of the following:



  • Angina

  • Atherosclerosis


Question 35 of 43


Heart failure is when the heart is unable to pump enough blood around the body to meet the _________ needs of the body.

Select one of the following:

  • Metabolic

  • Oxygen

  • Nutrient

  • Energy


Question 36 of 43


Which of the below is not a direct cause of right sided heart failure?

Select one of the following:

  • Infarction of the right ventricle

  • Pulmonary valve stenosis

  • Aortic valve stenosis

  • Cor pulmonale (pulmonary oedema)


Question 37 of 43


which of the below is not a direct cause of Left sided heart failure?

Select one of the following:

  • Infarction of the left ventricle

  • Aortic valve stenosis

  • Hyperthyroidism

  • Pulmonary valve stenosis


Question 38 of 43


Oedema caused by Right sided heart failure does not include

Select one of the following:

  • Lower limbs (legs)

  • Liver (Congestive hepatomegaly "nutmeg liver")

  • Abdominal organs

  • Pulmonary system


Question 39 of 43


Pulmonary congestion is caused by?

Select one of the following:

  • Backup effect in LHF

  • Backup effect in RHF

  • the forward effect in LHF

  • the forward effect in RHF


Question 40 of 43


From the following; treatment is limited to electrical defibrillation.

Select one of the following:

  • AF

  • VF

  • VT

  • Heart block


Question 41 of 43


Which of the following is not a way anaemia is classified?

Select one of the following:

  • Volume of circulating RBC

  • Colour of RBC

  • Mechanism causing anaemia

  • Size of RBC


Question 42 of 43


Which of the following is not apart of FBC for anaemia?

Select one of the following:

  • Mean corpuscular Haemoglobin (MCH) ... Hb/RBC (weight of haemoglobin)

  • Mean Circulating Haemoglobin Concentration (MCHC)... Hb/HCT (concentration of haemoglobin)

  • Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) .... HCT/RBC (average size of RBC)

  • Total Erythrocyte Mass (TEC) .... RBC/HCT (average mass of RBC)


Question 43 of 43


which of the following is not a general clinical manifestation of anaemia?

Select one of the following:

  • Fatigue

  • Pallor

  • Dyspnea

  • Bradycardia
