Ashley Berg
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Psychology Quiz on Intro to Psychology Unit 2 Chapter 4 quiz (consciousness, sleep and dreams), created by Ashley Berg on 10/10/2018.

Ashley Berg
Created by Ashley Berg almost 6 years ago

Intro to Psychology Unit 2 Chapter 4 quiz (consciousness, sleep and dreams)

Question 1 of 15


A bank teller was so distracted by the sight of a bank robber's weapon that she failed to perceive important features of the criminal's physical appearance. This best illustrates

Select one of the following:

  • dissociation

  • change blindness

  • selective attention

  • a near-death experience


Question 2 of 15


Drivers are slower to detect traffic signals if they are talking on a cell phone. This best illustrates the impact of

Select one of the following:

  • latent content

  • selective attention

  • REM rebound

  • blindsight


Question 3 of 15


When asked to watch a video and press a key each time a black-shirted player passed a basketball, most research participants remained unaware of an umbrella-toting woman strolling across the video screen. This illustrated

Select one of the following:

  • REM rebound

  • inattentional blindness

  • neuroadaptation

  • latent content


Question 4 of 15


While a man provided directions to a construction worker. two experimenter rudely interrupted by passing between them carrying a door. The man's failure to notice that the construction worker was replaced by a different person during this interruption illustrates

Select one of the following:

  • dissociation

  • hypnagogic sensations

  • neuroadaptation

  • change blindness


Question 5 of 15


Fast and jerky movements of the eyes are expecially likely to be associated with

Select one of the following:

  • sleep spindles

  • dissociation

  • REM sleep

  • sleep apnea


Question 6 of 15


Jordanna has decided to go to bed early. Although her eyes are closed and she is very relaxed, she has not yet fallen asleep. An EEG is most likely to indicate the presence of

Select one of the following:

  • delta waves

  • alpha waves

  • sleep spindles

  • rapid eye movements


Question 7 of 15


REM sleep is called pardoxical sleep because

Select one of the following:

  • our heart rate is slow and steady, while our breathing is highly irregular

  • we are deeply asleep but can be awakened easily

  • our nervous system is highly active, while our voluntary muscles hardly move.

  • it leads to highly imaginative dreams that are perceived as colorless images


Question 8 of 15


After sleeping for about an hour and a half, Jose enters a phase of paradoxical sleep. He is likely to

Select one of the following:

  • be easily awakened

  • have slower, more regular brathing

  • emit slower brain waves

  • have very relaxed muscles


Question 9 of 15


A recurring difficulty in falling or staying asleep is called

Select one of the following:

  • narcolepsy

  • insomnia

  • sleep apnea

  • paradoxical sleep


Question 10 of 15


During a heated argument with his teenage daughter, Mr. Reid suddenly sapsed into a state of REM sleep. Mr. Reid apparently suffers from

Select one of the following:

  • narcolepsy

  • insomnia

  • sleep apnea

  • REM rebound


Question 11 of 15


The large, slow brain waves associated with NREM-3 sleep are called

Select one of the following:

  • sleep spindles

  • delta waves

  • alpha waves

  • REMs


Question 12 of 15


Consciousness is

Select one of the following:

  • the ability to solve problems, reason, and remember.

  • the process of organizing and interpreting sensory information

  • effortless encoding of incidental information into memory

  • our awareness of ourselves and our environment


Question 13 of 15


The simultaneous processing of information and both conscious and unconscious levels is called

Select one of the following:

  • the cocktail party effect.

  • the pop-out phnomenon

  • dual processing

  • neuroadaptation


Question 14 of 15


A condition in which a person can respond to a visual stimulus without consciously experiencing it is known as

Select one of the following:

  • narcolepsy

  • change blindness

  • REM rebound

  • blindsight


Question 15 of 15


The cocktail party effect provides an example of

Select one of the following:

  • Neuroadaptation

  • REM rebound

  • selective attention

  • hypnagogic sensations
