What is Ihsaan?
To do good to those who are nice to you
To do good to everyone for sake of Allah only
To do good to your family, neighbors and the people you know only
To do good to everyone so that they are grateful to you
To do good to everyone so that they can help you when you are in need
Ihsaan (Utmost Goodness) includes:
Words (Polite Words and Good Tone)
Actions (Body Language)
Innovations (New type of Good Deeds)
Meddling in other people's affairs (to help them)
Allah makes it easy to do Ihsaan/Good Deeds when it is done for Allah's sake alone
Allah will keep on helping you as long as you _____________________.
Help Others
Pray Salah
Do Hajj
Feed Others
Beloved People of Allah include: (Based on a Hadith)
Who brings most benefit to people
Who brings happiness to a fellow Muslim
Who relieves fellow Muslim of distress
Who pays off fellow Muslim's debt
Who prays extra nawafil
Who does Hajj every year
Who doesn't miss any Meelad event
Who doesn't miss Zakah
Who leads fellow Muslim in Salah