Matthew Coulson
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Violence, Aggression & Legislation lecture given on 16/10/2018

Matthew Coulson
Created by Matthew Coulson almost 6 years ago

Violence, Aggression & Legislation

Question 1 of 16


Section 328(2) of the mental health act prevents a person from being diagnosed as mentally disordered if they are ... (choose 3)

Select one or more of the following:

  • sexually deviant

  • dependent on alcohol or drugs

  • of an uncommon sexual orientation

  • having a singular depressive episode

  • causing harm to themselves


Question 2 of 16


Which of the following sections of the mental health act are most likely to be utilised by a junior doctor?

Select one of the following:

  • Emergency Detention

  • Short Term Detention

  • Compulsory Treatment Order


Question 3 of 16


Which section of the Mental Health Act is described below?

"Where it is necessary to detain the patient in hospital in order to assess their mental state; if they were not to be detained they are likely to be a danger to themselves and/or others."

Select one of the following:

  • Emergency Detention

  • Short Term Detention

  • Compulsory Treatment Order


Question 4 of 16


Timescales of MHA sections:
Short Term Detention:
Emergency Detention:
Compulsory Treatment Order:

Drag and drop to complete the text.

    Up to 28 days
    Up to 72 hours
    Up to 6 months


Question 5 of 16


Which sections of the mental health act can a patient submit a legal appeal against?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Emergency Detention

  • Short Term Detention

  • Compulsory Treatment Order


Question 6 of 16


Emergency Detention section of the Mental Health Act authorises treatment of the mentally ill patient.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 7 of 16


Which of the following sections of the mental health act are only available to be used by advanced medical practitioners? (Not juniors)

Select one or more of the following:

  • Short Term Detention

  • Compulsory Treatment Order

  • Emergency Detention


Question 8 of 16


Which of the following sections of the mental health act authorises treatment of the mentally impaired patient?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Emergency Detention

  • Short Term Detention

  • Compulsory Treatment Order


Question 9 of 16


Select from the dropdown lists to complete the text.

In order to sanction a patient using the 'Compulsory Treatment Order' section of the mental health act, an application must be made by a ( Mental Health Officer, Advanced Medical Practitioner ) that is supported by ( two medical reports, one medical report, three medical reports )


Question 10 of 16


When applying for a compulsory treatment order, one of the two compulsory medical reports must ...

Select one of the following:

  • have been written by an advanced medical practitioner

  • have been written by that patient's GP

  • include a statement from the patient's next of kin


Question 11 of 16


The Tayside Rapid Tranquillisation Policy states that in order to defuse a situation, a healthcare practitioner should in the first line attempt

Select one of the following:

  • non-drug approaches

  • drug approaches


Question 12 of 16


Fill the blank space to complete the text.

When non-drug approaches fail, the Tayside Rapid Tranquillisation Policy recommends using which benzodiazepine drug?


Question 13 of 16


Fill the blank space to complete the text.

In terms of the Tayside Rapid Tranquillisation Policy, which antipsychotic drug can be used in addition or as an alternative to Lorazepam?


Question 14 of 16


Which 3 things are most important to consider when performing a risk assessment of a violent or aggressive patient?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Does the patient have an established mental illness?

  • Does the patient have a history of violent/aggressive behavior?

  • Is there evidence that the patient has engaged in substance abuse?

  • Are there obvious social factors that may influence the patient to be aggressive/violent?

  • Are there any known non-mental conditions that could be influencing this patient?


Question 15 of 16


Select from the dropdown lists to complete the text.

Acute Stress Disorder = Post traumatic stress symptoms (difficulty sleeping, difficulty concentrating, flashbacks, etc) lasting less than ( 4 weeks, 2 weeks, 1 week, 8 weeks )
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder = Post traumatic stress symptoms (difficulty sleeping, difficulty concentrating, flashbacks, etc) lasting greater than ( 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 2 weeks, 1 week )


Question 16 of 16


The only difference between Acute Stress Disorder and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is the duration of symptoms.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False
