Define nutrients
What are the six groups of nutrients?
What are carbohydrates?
What are simple carbs?
What are complex carbs?
What percentage of calories should carbs make up in your diet?
Simple sugars
What foods are simple sugars added to?
What foods are complex sugars in?
What are starches?
What are fibers?
What are the benefits of eating fiber?
Recommended amount of fiber intake per day
What do carbs do?
What are proteins?
Protein uses
What are the nine essential amino acids?
Protein sources
What's the recommended amount of protein for those age 14-18?
What percentage of calories should proteins make up in your diet?
What are lipids (fats)?
Types of fat
Role of fats
Health issues with fat
Define cholesterol
Role of cholesterol
Health issues with cholesterol
What percentage of calories should fats make up in your diet?
What's the percentage of limited intake of trans/saturated fats?
List food sources fat is found in
Define vitamins
What are the two types of vitamins?
List common vitamins and their functions
What are minerals?
List food sources minerals are found in
What are minerals needed for?
List some common vitamins and their functions
List food sources vitamins are found in
What are the functions of water?
List food sources water is found in