Gary the Chimney Sweep
What type of business ownership does he have?
Name three advantages of being a Sole Trader
Name three disadvantages of being a Sole Trader
What type of business ownership does this group of solicitors have?
What type of business ownership does this group of accountants have?
Name three advantages of partnership owners
Name three disadvantages of partnership owners
List the points included in a Deed of Partnership or a Partnership Agreement
What type of business ownership do these builders have?
What type of business ownership does this builders merchant have?
Name three advantages of Private Limited Companies (Ltd) or Public Limited Company (plc)
Name three disadvantages of Private Limited Companies (Ltd) or Public Limited Companies (plc)
If a business wants to operate as a limited company, what legal requirements do they need to meet?
What type of ownership does this business have?
Name three advantages of a franchise
Name three disadvantages of a franchise
What type of business is does this organisation have?
What does the term 'Not-for-profit' mean?