Each question in this quiz is timed.
How to add Background Picture in a Web Page?
<body background="picture.gif">
<body background src="picture.gif">
How to scroll a Text?
<marquee>THIS WOULD SCROLL</marquee>
<scroll>THIS WOULD SCROLL</scroll>
What is the meaning of Cascading?
Sorting CSS declaration/code?
Unsorting CSS declaration/code?
What are the ways to apply CSS?
Inline, External, Linked, Exported
Inline, Embedded, Linked, Imported
What is the difference between Function and a Procedure?
Procedure Always Returns a Value and Function Returns an Integer
Function Always Returns a Value and Procedure don't have to always.
What is the difference between "==" and "==="?
"==" checks if the expression is Equal while "===" checks only the Boolean type.
"==" checks if the expression is Equal while "===" checks the type.
What exactly this means? var myArray = [[[]]];
It means nothing, It will generate an Error.
This is a Three Dimensional Array.
This is a Zero Dimensional Array with Null Value.