What does the graphing acronym U.S.T.A.T. acronym?
What is the dependent variable?
What is the independent variable?
Define biodiversity.
How is biodiversity measured?
What is the importance of biodiversity to humans?
What is the importance of biodiversity to nature?
List the five major threats to biodiversity.
What are altered habitats? Examples?
What are demands for wildlife species? Examples?
What is species introduction? Examples?
What is pollution? Examples?
What is climate change? Examples?
What are some threats to the frogs (from the movie)?
Define extinct. Give examples of extinct animals.
Define endangered. Give examples of endangered animals.
Define threatened. Give examples of threatened animals.
What are some ways to protect biodiversity?
What is a watershed?
What happens to the water cycle when an area is urbanized?
What is an ecosystem service? What are some examples?
What is a species?
What is a population?
What are the 4 characteristics of populations?
What is geographic range?
What is population density?
What is growth rate?
What are age/sex ratios?
What is exponential growth?
What is logistic growth?
What is carrying capacity?
What is a population crash?
What is a density-dependent factor? Examples?
What is a density-independent factor? Examples?
What is weather?
What is climate?
What is the greenhouse effect?
How does the greenhouse effect lead to global warming?
What are the three greenhouse gases?
What are the sources of each greenhouse gas?
What is the albedo affect?
How does the albedo effect create a positive feedback loop for melting arctic ice?
List some effects of climate change.