Animals are good friends, do not ask questions nor criticize. "
(George Eliot)
" Well done is better than well explained."
(Benjamin Franklin)
"The best proof of love is trust."
(Joyce Brothers)
"Kissing does not kill hunger but whets the appetite."
(Author Unknown)
"Kissing does not kill hunger but whets the appetite."
(Author Unknown)
"Kissing does not kill hunger but whets the appetite."
(Author Unknown)
"Kissing does not kill hunger but whets the appetite."
(Author Unknown)
"Kissing does not kill hunger but whets the appetite."
(Author Unknown)
"Kissing does not kill hunger but whets the appetite."
(Author Unknown
"Reading the Bible itself is an education."
(Alfred Lord Tennyson)
"Reading the Bible itself is an education."
(Alfred Lord Tennyson)