Created by Zara Kanani
over 10 years ago
What is the order of the electromagnetic spectrum from high frequency and low wavelength to low frequency to high wavelength?
What is the mnemonic used to remember the electromagnetic spectrum?
What is a longitudinal wave?
What is a transverse wave?
What is the wavelength the distance between?
What is the frequency of a wave and what is it measured in?
What does a wave look like if it's compressed?
What does a wave look like if it has a rarefaction?
What is a radiowave used for?
What is a microwave used for?
What is Infra-red used for?
What is Visible light used as?
What is ultraviolet light used for?
What is an X-ray used for?
What are gamma rays used for?
All the members of the E-M spectrum are what type of waves?
What is the law of refraction?
When a light ray travels from air to glass which way does it reflect?
When light travels from glass into the air what happens?
Name some properties of waves that make it useful for satellite communication?
The higher the ...... the further the waves travel?
What can visible light and microwaves both do?
What do high frequency waves look like?
The bell in a jar experiment shows what?
What are reflected images?
m/s = hertz (HZ) x meters?
Definition refraction?
When light moves from a less dense substance to a more dense substance what happens?
Definition diffraction?
What happens when something diffracts through a wide gap?
What happens with diffraction through a narrow gap? (Think of wide pipes and thin ones)
What happens with diffraction around an obstacle?
Why are the Tv and radio transitions different?
What do waves transfer from place to place?
What is the equation for speed?
You always need to convert to Hertz!
The colors of the rainbow!