Created by sammibeard
about 10 years ago
Why SHOULD pandas be conserved?
why should we STOP funding pandas?
What is Rivet popping?
Why can't we conserve every
species everywhere?
What prevents the government funding conservation projects?
Although the public fund conservation, how do they limit what can be conserved?
What is biodiversity?
What is this?
what is the Species area curve?
On a species area curve, what do larger areas signify?
How is a approximate extinction rate
What does SAR and EAR stand for?
What happens to the SAR with increasing habitat area?
What must occur for a species to be classified as extinct with a decreasing habitat?
The number of species predicted to go extinct from the species area curve
have not gone extinct. Why is this?
Why is it hard to know when species have gone extinct?
What are hotspots?
What do the methods, that look for hotspots areas, try to ensure?
What are two criteria for hotspots?
What do hotspots equate with?
What identifies species extinctions as “unlike other environmental threats”
What is the hotspots objective
in the terms of Mittermeier et al, 1998?
What is used to identify major tropical wilderness areas?
Where do hotspots focus? And what percentage of the worlds endemics do they contain?
What is the problems with finding hotspots?
Why might it not be so important to save endemics?
What are the principle's of WWF
Global 200?
How much of the world's species
are found in the tropics?
What are the 8 biogeographic realms?
Name the 14 biomes?
What is a Ecoregion?
What do they contain?