Created by Amelia Tuffley
over 6 years ago
Causes of unconsciousness
Epilepsy definition
Causes of epilepsy
Seizure definition
Types of focal seizures (3)
List the kinds of automatisms (7)
List the types of generalised seizures (8)
Describe tonic clonic sezires
Describe absence - typical seizures
Describe absence - atypical seizures
Describe absence - special features seizures
Describe clonic seizures
Describe tonic seizures
Describe atonic seizures
Describe myoclonic seizures
Levels of consciousness in seizures
Stages of seizures
Anticonvulsant medication aims
Most common side effects of anti seizure meds
Factors affecting seizure threshold
When to call an ambulance for a seizure
Status epilepticus definition
Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP)
Differential diagnosis of seizures