Created by Carly Pruemer
about 6 years ago
V/Q ratio in upper lobe
V/Q ratio in middle lobe
V/Q in lower lobe
What can cause hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction
Lungs response to increase in CO2
Pulmonary vasoconstriction results in
Effect of PEEP on lung shunting
Continuous CPAP
Lung isolation options
distance from mouth to carinia
distance from carinia to right main stem
Distance from right main stem to secondary bronchiols
Distance from left pain stem to secondary bronchiols
Double lumen ET size
Types of Double Lumen ET
Insertion of Double lumen
Cuff inflation of double lumen
Advantages of DL tube
Disadvantage of DL
Complications of DLT
Bronchial blocker advantages
Bronchial blocker disadvantage
complications of bronchial blockers
Univent tubes advantage
Tidal volumes
Lung down recruitment strategies