This is a timed quiz.
You have 30 minutes to complete the 15 questions in this quiz.
Surah Mujadalah is a Macci Surah. (True or False)
Mujadalah means to Fight. (True or False)
Who is Khawlah ? Choose the Right Answer
Wife of Rasulillah(s )
Daughter of Abu Bakr( r )
Wife of Oaus bin Asaamith
What is Zeehar ? Choose the Right Answer
A practice for divorce among the Arabs
When the husband said, " you are to me like my mother ".
The kaffara for Zena
What is Zeehar according to Islam ? Choose the Right Answer
Disapproved by the Shariya
Absurd and False
When pronounced, kaffara must be given
What is the kaffara for Zeehar ? Choose the Right Answer
Free a slave
Or fast two consecutive months
Or feed sixty poor people
Allah has kept a full record of our deeds, even though we might have forgotten. (True or False)
What is Najwa ? Choose the Right Answer
To whisper or converse secretly
To talk out loud
To laugh out loud
Why is Najwa disliked in our Deen ? Choose the Right Answer
It is disliked as it only causes grief and discomfort among people
Najwa is usually done to talk about a sin
Najwa is also done to talk about some transgression and disobedience to the Rasool
When is Najwa Allowed ? Choose the Right Answer
When you wish to advice someone
When you wish to reconcile
When you wish to help someone financially and do not want the person to know
What are the etiquettes of Majalis mentioned in this Surah ? Choose the Right Answer
Do not carry out private conversations secretly in public
When asked to make room in gatherings, make room
When asked to rise up, then rise up
( Ayah 11 ) Allah will raise you. How ? Choose the Right Answer
When you know better, you do better, thus Allah raises in high ranks those who have Iman and Illm
Those who make room for others, Allah will accommodate him in His Jannah
He will be given more opportunities to do khair
What are some of the characteristic of the Munafiqoon mentioned in this Surah ? Choose the Right Answer
They befriend those who are under the wrath of Allah
They knowingly swear to falsehood
They use their oaths as shields and stop others from the Way of Allah
Who are the party of Shaitan and what is their outcome ? Choose the Right Answer
Shaitan has full control of them
They obey Shaitan easily disobey Allah
They forget the Zikr of Allah
They will be the losers and will be the most humiliated
Who are the Party of Allah and what is their outcome ? Choose the Right Answer
They believe in Allah and the Last Day
They will not be on friendly terms with those who oppose Allah and His Rasool
Even though they were their fathers, sons, brothers or their relatives
Allah will admit them in Jannah, surely it is the Party of Allah that will be successful.