Andreas Kirilow
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Programmierung Quiz on TYPO3 CI 2018 6.6 - 6.7, created by Andreas Kirilow on 21/12/2018.

Andreas Kirilow
Created by Andreas Kirilow almost 6 years ago

TYPO3 CI 2018 6.6 - 6.7

Question 1 of 11


Where do you set up new languages for the frontend? (1)

Select one or more of the following:

  • In the setup area of the TypoScript root template.

  • In the Page TSconfig of the admin user.

  • On the page containing the root template.

  • On the page whose UID = 0.

  • Under “ADMIN TOOLS → Maintenance → Manage language packs” in the backend.


Question 2 of 11


You want to set up a new frontend language. How do you proceed? (1)

Select one or more of the following:

  • Click the “List” module, select the page with the TYPO3 symbol and then create a new “website
    language” data record.

  • Click the “Page” module, select the page with the TYPO3 symbol and then create a new “website
    language” content element.

  • Click the “Info” module, select the root page and then create a new language data record.

  • You only need to select the language in “ADMIN TOOLS → Maintenance → Manage language

  • Select the “Languages” menu item in the Extension Manager.


Question 3 of 11


Name the modules in which you can enter translations for pages or content elements. (3)

Select one or more of the following:

  • Module “WEB → Page”.

  • Module “WEB → List”.

  • Module “WEB → Info”.

  • Module “WEB → Template”.

  • Module “ADMIN TOOLS → Languages” in TYPO3 v8.

  • Module “ADMIN TOOLS → Maintenance → Manage language packs” in TYPO3 v9.


Question 4 of 11


The TYPO3 backend is in English by default. How do you switch it to a different language? (2)

Select one or more of the following:

  • Change the language in the “User Settings” module.

  • Download the language in module “ADMIN TOOLS → Maintenance → Manage language

  • Manually download the language package from and store it under typo3conf/lang/.

  • Download the language in module “ADMIN TOOLS → Languages”.

  • Activate the multi-language feature in the Install Tool under “Settings → Multi-languages”


Question 5 of 11


You have added new backend languages and downloaded the appropriate language packages from the translation server. Where exactly is the language data stored? (1)

Select one or more of the following:

  • It is saved in the database in table sys_language.

  • Language data is stored in the typo3conf/l10n/ directory.

  • Language data is stored in the typo3/languages/ directory.

  • The language data remains on the remote translation server and is retrieved at runtime.


Question 6 of 11


How do you configure TYPO3 so that the frontend is displayed in another language, assuming that this language was installed properly? (2)

Select one or more of the following:

  • You have to install the language extension.

  • You add a GET parameter to the URL; usually this is L.

  • You have to store the appropriate configuration in the TypoScript setup of the root page.

  • You have to initialize the required language via the URL as

  • You have to configure the required languages in the Page TSconfig.


Question 7 of 11


Usually, TYPO3 displays translations when requested and the original content if there is no translation. How can you prevent the original contents from ever being displayed in this case? (1)

Select one or more of the following:

  • By hiding the page.

  • You select “Hide default translation” of page in the page properties.

  • By selecting “Hide page if no translation for current language exists” in the page properties.

  • By selecting “Hide permanent” in the page properties.


Question 8 of 11


English is the default language for a multilingual website. How do you switch the default language to German (including flag and label)? (1)

Select one or more of the following:

  • By entering defaultLanguageFlag and defaultLanguageLabel in the TypoScript setup.

  • By entering defaultLanguageFlag and defaultLanguageLabel in the Page TSconfig.

  • In the “Default Language” section of the Install Tool.

  • In the “Languages” tab of the root page, in the page properties.

  • Unfortunately that is not possible. English is always the default language in TYPO3.


Question 9 of 11


What does the Admin Panel do? (2)

Select one or more of the following:

  • It is the administrator’s control center for user settings.

  • The Admin Panel can be used to analyze the frontend output.

  • It can be used to configure TYPO3 in the backend.

  • The Admin Panel can be used to simular a frontend group.

  • The Admin Panel monitors data entries and can notify administrators about changes.


Question 10 of 11


How do you activate the Admin Panel for a backend user without administrator privileges? (2)

Select one or more of the following:

  • You enter config.admPanel = 1 in the setup of the root template.

  • You enter config.admPanel = 1 in the User TSconfig.

  • You enter admPanel.enable.all = 1 in the setup of the root template.

  • You enter admPanel.enable.all = 1 in the User TSconfig.

  • By means of a setting in the user’s user settings.


Question 11 of 11


You have created content that should be visible only between 8:00 and 11:00 in the morning. It is currently 14:00. What is the sensible way to check the output of the content? (1)

Select one or more of the following:

  • You change the time on your desktop computer.

  • You change the time on the server.

  • You wait until 8:00 the next day.

  • You simulate the correct time in the backend.

  • You simulate the correct time in the Admin Panel.
