Blackboard Collaborate is...
a platform to deliver tutorships in a synchronous environment.
the combination of different voice technologies that includes options of moderation, groups creation, recording, etc. thought to work in a synchronous way.
an Google+ element to organize videoconferences.
an interactive blackboard where either students and tutors could write on.
Busuu ...
is a CoP based on webinars to practice foreign languages.
is a CoP based on voice Chat to practice foreign languages.
is a CoP based on text Chat to practice foreign languages.
is a CoP based on Video Chat to practice foreign languages.
A hashtag...
is a way to send a message to a twitter user.
are words or phrases prefixed with the symbol *, a form of metadata tag used in twitter contexts.
are words or phrases prefixed with the symbol & a form of metadata tag used by twitter users
are words or phrases prefixed with the symbol #, a form of metadata tag used by twitter users
Examples of synchronic tools are:
Instant Messaging (IM) and Social Networks.
VoIP and webinars.
microblogging and email.
fora and chats.
A CoP has been described by a very famous researcher...
as a community of practice languages as L2.
as a technological platform to share ideas and quotes about different works and their authors.
as people who share a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact sporadically.
as groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly.
LiveJournal and WordPress are tools to create...
social networks.
CoP stands for…
Conference of Practice.
Community of Pragmatics.
Community of Practice.
Community over Practice.
Research Gate is…
a professional network specialized in increasing the social relationships of its members.
an academic social network specialized in publishing the books of its member.
an academic social network specialized in spreading scientific production of its members.
a social network specialized in spreading the professional events of its members.
Academia is…
a social network created to share the scientific production of European Universities.
a social network created to share the scientific production of Spanish Universities.
a social network created to share the scientific production of its members.
a social network only for Scientists.
The main elements of a CoP are…
“control, community and practice”.
“domain, community and practice”.
“common sense, community and practice”.
“domain, space and practice”.
Google + is…
a tool to create wikis in Google.
a Google application to share information with your circles ad contacts.
is a searcher specialized on academic papers in Google.
a tool to send messages in Google.
The Mixxer and Livemocha are…
tools to create pdf documents.
two applications to combine and compress video files.
CoPs to learn and practise foreign languages.
tools to create e-books.
is a social network to exchange video files.
is a social network, very similar to Facebook.
is an academic network t used for sharing publications.
is a professional network used for sharing contacts.
Webheads is...
an education and research information center.
a website where you can find information to carry out qualitative research.
a CoP to learn languages.
a CoP focused on teaching languages through technologies.
Communities of practice…
are not exclusively related to learning contexts.
began by using a Bulletin Board System.
started with people suffering some illness and contacting others in the same situation.
All the other options are correct.
Instant Messaging (IM) is a good tool to do ….
Which of these tools is the most adequate to do micro-blogging?
is a tool to create wikis.
is the Google application to maintain voice conversations through the Internet.
is a searcher specialized on academic writings.
is a tool to edit videos.
Wikispaces is a…
mobile app to edit Wikipedia articles.
space created by Wikipedia users to discuss different topics.
tool that allows you to create your own wiki for educational purposes freely.
tool that allows you to create your own wiki for educational purposes only.