This is a timed quiz.
You have 15 minutes to complete the 8 questions in this quiz.
How does one fabricate lies against Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala?
By saying Allah has a partner or that He has a son while he has no evidence to support his claim.
By saying Allah has a partner or that He has a son while they has evidence to support his claim.
By saying Allah has a partner or that but He has no son while he has no evidence to support his claim.
What is the root word and meaning of فَالِقُ ?
ف ل ق - to split, to crack, to divide, to separate two things
ف ل ق - to split, to crack, to divide, to separate three things
ف ل ق - to split, to crack, to divide, to separate more things
As per Ayah 96 who is the creator of light and drakness?
Allah is the Creator of light and darkness
Stars is the Creator of light and darkness
Sun and Moon is the Creator of light and darkness
How does one benefit from the stars?
When one looks up towards the sky he doesn’t find a black sheet rather millions of stars are twinkling brightly. They also help sea travelers to chart their course in the darkness of nights when it is not easy to do.
When one looks up towards the sky he doesn’t find a black sheet rather millions of stars are twinkling brightly. They do not help sea travelers to chart their course in the darkness of nights when it is not easy to do.
When one looks up towards the sky he does find a black sheet rather millions of stars are twinkling brightly. They also help sea travelers to chart their course in the darkness of nights when it is not easy to do.
What is the root word and meaning of مُسْتَوْدَعٌ ?
و د ع - to keep something with someone temporarily for a few days for protection.
م د ع - to keep something with someone temporarily for a few days for protection.
س د ع - to keep something with someone temporarily for a few days for protection.
We use the lunar calendar for ibadaah to determine months and the solar calendar to determine Salah timings. This indicates both the sun and moon are used for calculating time.
In the dunya we have our friends and family who are support groups. They come forward to help us whenever we need them whether in good deeds or bad.
At the time of the death, a person is made aware of how his end will be. A person who dies his Hereafter has arrived. The angels Allah Prophet( angels, Allah, Prophet ) give him the news of what is going to happen.