What is gender?
the psychological status of being male or female also the awareness of which gender you consider yourself to be.
the biological status of being a male or female based on your chromosomes, genitals and reproductive organs
Sex identity is the biological status of being male or female
What does the term masculinity refer to?
refers to the behaviours and ideas that are considered to be a characteristic of being female.
refers to the behaviours and ideas that are considered to be a characteristic of being male.
refers to a set of behaviours that include high levels of both masculine and feminine characteristics.
What is the role of chromosomes in typical gender development?
the chromosomes come from the sperm, if the sperm has an X chromosome the child will be female, if the sperm contains a Y chromosome the child will be male.
the chromosomes come from the egg, the sperm has an X chromosome and depending on if the chromosome in the egg is an X or Y the child will be male or female.
What is the role of gonads and and hormone production in typical gender development?
The hormone oestrogen is required for sexual development, puberty, stimulation of egg production and female reproductive organs. It is produced in the ovaries.
Males have testosterone is the hormone that is required for sperm production and development of male reproductive organs. They also produce small amounts of oestrogen.
Males only have the testosterone hormone, it is produced in the testes and adrenal glands.