Select 'qu'est ce-que tu fais ?'.
What are you doing?
What's going on?
What are you playing?
Why are you playing?
Select 'how much does that cost?'
Combien ça coûte?
Quand c'est?
Tu as quel âge?
Tu es qui?
Select 'combien de temps ça prend ?'.
How long does that take?
How much time?
How are you?
Select 'j'habite à Londres'.
I live in London
I live in England
I do my homework
I live in a house
Select 'où habites-tu ?'.
Where do I come from?
Where do you live?
Where does he live?
Where are you?
True or false, 'où sont les toilettes ?' means 'where are the toilets?'
True or false, 'tu voudrais quoi' and 'tu aimerais quoi' both mean 'what would you like?'.
Select 'who are you?'.
On est qui?
Je suis qui?
Qu'est ce-que c'est?
Select 'je peux avoir l'addition s'il vous plaît ?'.
Can I have the bill please?
Could we have the bill please?
Can I give you the bill?
Please could I have an addition question?
Select 'tu penses quoi ?'.
What do you think?
What do you have?
What do you know?
What do we think?