Forms of iron: Ferric = ❌ Ferrous = ❌
There is no mechanism for iron excretion.
Approximately mg of iron is absorbed by the body per day.
Iron absorption occurs mainly in which part of the small bowel? The
Iron absorption is decreased by alcohol consumption.
Duodenal cytochrome B, found in the luminal surface, is responsible for reducing oxidising( reducing, oxidising ) ferric ferrous( ferric, ferrous ) iron to ferrous ferric( ferrous, ferric ) iron
is the main regulator of iron absorption. In cases of haemochromatosis, this structure binds to ferroportin and causes its degradation, thus disabling the transfer of iron to transferrin
Assessment of body iron levels: ❌ = Measure Haemoglobin concentration ❌ = Measure % saturation of transferrin with iron ❌ = Measure serum ferritin
Transferrin has 2 4 6 8( 2, 4, 6, 8 ) binding sites for iron
❌ = Transferrin bound to iron ❌ = Transferrin not bound to iron
Ferritin can store up to 4000 ferric ferrous( ferric, ferrous ) ions
Which 4 of the follows factors can increase serum ferritin?
Liver injury
Kidney Injury
Name this clinical sign which can occur due to iron deficiency.
Iron deficiency can also cause inflammation and scarring of the corner of the mouth. This sign is called
Iron deficiency causes a microcytic macrocytic( microcytic, macrocytic ) anaemia
There are greater requirements for iron in women and children women men men and children( women and children, women, men, men and children ) thus they are more likely to develop iron deficiency.
As well as poor dietary intake, which of the following can also cause iron deficiency anaemia?
Gastric Ulcers
Coeliac Disease
Ulcerative Colitis
The two types of haemochromatosis are primary and secondary: ❌ haemochromatosis usually is the result of transfusions or iron loading anaemias. ❌ haemochromatosis is caused by a defect in the genes that control how much iron you absorb from food.
Hereditary Haemochromatosis is a primary haemochromatosis that typically arises due to a mutation of the HFE gene causing a decreased synthesis of which regulative protein?
Haemochromatosis can cause erectile dysfunction in males
Which three of the following can be caused by haemochromatosis?
Joint pains
Cluster headaches
Trigeminal neuralgia
Hereditary Haemochromatosis most commonly occurs due to mutations in the gene
The initial treatment of choice for hereditary haemochromatosis in non-anaemic individuals is weekly
The most common cause of death for those suffering from Hereditary Haemochromatosis is ...
Cardiac Failure
Secondary Iron Overload should be treated with weekly venesection.
Primary Iron Overload. E.g. ❌. Should be treated with ❌ Secondary Iron Overload. E.g. ❌. Should be treated with ❌