Beatriz Peregrina Viñolo
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Quiz on chapter 4, created by Beatriz Peregrina Viñolo on 28/11/2014.

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Beatriz Peregrina Viñolo
Created by Beatriz Peregrina Viñolo almost 10 years ago

chapter 4

Question 1 of 15


To plant and harvest 20,000 bushels of corn, Farmer Jayne incurs fixed and variable costs totaling $33,000. The current spot price of corn is $1.80 per bushel. What is the profit or loss if the spot price is $1.90 per bushel when she harvests and sells her corn?

Select one of the following:

  • $3,000 gain

  • $3,000 loss

  • $5,000 gain

  • $5,000 loss


Question 2 of 15


Farmer Jayne decides to hedge 10,000 bushels of corn by purchasing put options with a strike price of $1.80. Six-month interest rates are 4.0% and the total premium on all puts is $1,200. If her total costs are $1.65 per bushel, what is her marginal change in profits if the spot price of corn drops from $1.80 to $1.75 by the time she sells her crop in 6 months?

Select one of the following:

  • $248 loss

  • $0

  • $252 gain

  • $1,500 loss


Question 3 of 15


A 6-month forward contract for corn exists with a price of $1.70 per bushel. If Farmer Jayne decides to hedge her 20,000 bushels of corn with the forward contract, what is her profit or loss if spot prices are $1.65 or $1.80 when she sells her crop in 6 months? Her total costs are $33,000.

Select one of the following:

  • $1,000 gain or $1,000 loss

  • $0 gain or $3,000 gain

  • $0 loss or $3,000 loss

  • $1,000 gain or $1,000 gain


Question 4 of 15


Corn call options with a $1.75 strike price are trading for a $0.14 premium. Farmer Jayne decides to hedge her 20,000 bushels of corn by selling short call options. Six-month interest rates are 4.0% and she plans to close her position in 6 months. What is the total premium she will earn on her short position?

Select one of the following:

  • $2,800

  • $2,912

  • $800

  • $1,600


Question 5 of 15


Two 6-month corn put options are available. The strike prices are $1.80 and $1.75 with premiums of $0.14 and $0.12, respectively. Total costs are $1.65 per bushel and 6-month interest rates are 4.0%. Farmer Jayne wishes to hedge 20,000 bushels for 6 months. What is the highest profit or minimum loss between the two options if the spot price in 6 months is $1.70 per bushel?

Select one of the following:

  • $88 loss

  • $88 gain

  • $496 loss

  • $496 gain


Question 6 of 15


Corn call options with a $1.70 strike price are trading for a $0.15 premium. Farmer Jayne decides to hedge her 20,000 bushels of corn by selling short call options. Six-month interest rates are 4.0% and she plans to close her position and sell her corn in 6 months. What is her profit or loss if spot prices are $1.60 per bushel when she closes her position?

Select one of the following:

  • $1,000 loss

  • $2,000 gain

  • $2,120 loss

  • $2,120 gain


Question 7 of 15


When selecting among various put options with different strike prices, in order to hedge a long asset position, which of the following statements is true?

Select one of the following:

  • Higher strike puts cost more and provide higher floors

  • Higher strike puts cost less and provide higher floors

  • Lower strike puts cost more and provide higher floors

  • Lower strike puts cost less and provide higher floors


Question 8 of 15


Which of the following situations does NOT describe someone who should implement a hedge strategy?

Select one of the following:

  • Mary is very nervous about losing profits if selling prices drop

  • Melanie's creditors will not lend her money if her crops might lose money

  • Katherine's board of directors will not tolerate losses, even if it means profits are smaller

  • Dawn wants to reduce price fluctuations, but will need to conduct many transactions to achieve her goals


Question 9 of 15


KidCo Cereal Company sells "Sugar Corns" for $2.50 per box. The company will need to buy 20,000 bushels of corn in 6 months to produce 40,000 boxes of cereal. Non-corn costs total $60,000. What is the company's profit if they purchase call options at $0.12 per bushel with a strike price of $1.60? Assume the 6-month interest rate is 4.0% and the spot price in 6 months is $1.65 per bushel.

Select one of the following:

  • $6,504 profit

  • $8,005 loss

  • $12,064 profit

  • $11,293 loss


Question 10 of 15


KidCo bought forward contracts on 20,000 bushels of corn at $1.65 per bushel. Corporate tax rates are 35.00%. Revenue is $100,000 and other costs are $60,000. Spot prices on corn are $1.75 per bushel. Calculate the after-tax net income.

Select one of the following:

  • $7,000 loss

  • $7,000 gain

  • $4,550 loss

  • $4,550 gain


Question 11 of 15


Farmer Jayne bought a $1.70 strike put option for $0.11 and sold a $1.75 strike call option for a premium of $0.14. Her total costs are $1.65 per bushel and interest rates are 4.0% over this period. What is the floor in her strategy assuming a 20,000-bushel crop?

Select one of the following:

  • $624

  • $1,624

  • $2,624

  • $3,624


Question 12 of 15


A $1.75 strike call option has a $0.14 premium. The $1.75 strike put option premium is $0.12. What is the net cost for Farmer Jayne to create a synthetic short forward contract? (Assume 4.0% interest.)

Select one of the following:

  • $0.0208

  • -$0.0208

  • $0.000

  • -$0.0424


Question 13 of 15


A farmer expects to harvest 800,000 bushels of corn. To eliminate price risk, the farmer elects to short corn futures. What would cause the farmer to short only 720,000 bushels of corn?

Select one of the following:

  • Basis risk

  • Illiquid futures markets

  • Margin requirements

  • Quantity uncertain


Question 14 of 15


Given a 25% chance of a 600,000 bushel yield and a 75% chance of a 500,000 bushel yield, what quantity should the farmer hedge in order to protect against an uncertain harvest? Assume the farmer is willing to take reasonable risk.

Select one of the following:

  • 0

  • 500,000

  • 525,000

  • 600,000


Question 15 of 15


A farmer sells 4 million bushels of corn at a spot price of $2.10 per bushel. The total cost of production was $9.2 million. The farmer has an effective tax rate of 25%. If the farmer entered into a futures contract at a price of $2.40 per bushel on 4 million bushels, what is the farmer's net loss or gain?

Select one of the following:

  • $100,000 loss

  • $800,000 loss

  • $300,000 gain

  • $400,000 gain
