Created by Mandy Wilkes
over 5 years ago
Definition of Triage
What is 'First Aid'
What does the 'RCVS professional code of conduct' state for veterinary surgeons?
What are the 3 aims of first aid?
What are some clinical signs of a HEAD INJURY
What are some clinical signs of DYSPNOEA
What are some clinical signs of CONSCIOUS COLLAPSE?
What is meant by Primary Triage?
What is meant by Secondary Triage
What are the special considerations when it comes to triage ?
Emergencies can be classified in to 3 groups. What are they?
Examples of life threatening emergencies
Examples of serious emergencies
Examples of Minor Emergencies.
What is the mnemonic for emergency secondary evaluations ?
When preparing for the arrival of an emergency patient, What equipment should you have?
In reading blood gases, What do the Lactate levels refer to?
When is the term 'SHOCK' used?
What are the 4 types of shock?
What are the 4 stages of shock
What are the routes of fluid therapy?
What are the two types of fluids?
What is a crystalloid fluid
What is a Synthetic Colloid fluid
What is a simple fracture
What is a compound fracture
A complicated fracture is?
What is a multiple fracture
What is a comminuted fracture
A Green-stick fracture is?
Clinical Signs of a fracture?
What type of heat causes burns?
What type of heat causes scalds?
The percentage of burns is worked out how?
A superficial burn is?
A deep burn is?
An acid burn should be treated with?
An alkali burn should be treated with?
Define Haemorrhage
What is meant by direct pressure?
What is meant by indirect pressure?
What are the main pressure points?
An incised wound has
A Lacerated wound has?
A Puncture wound?
An Abrasion
An Avulsion?
A Contusion?
Explain Artificial respiration
Explain the steps of Mouth to Nose resuscitation
How would you perform CPR on a smaller animal (e.g. small dog/cat)
How would you perform CPR on a larger animal?
What do you need to assess if the animal is collapsed?
Alert collapse means?
Depressed Collapse
Obtunded Collapse
When handling and transporting a collapsed patient, what is the main concern?
What are the common causes of Hypovolaemic shock?
What are the signs of Hypovolaemic shock?
What is Tissue Hypoxia?
What signs are seen in hypovolaemic shock?
What are the flow rates for fluid with an animal in shock?
(dog and cat)
Distributive Shock
Signs of distributive shock are?
Some of the causes of distributive shock are?
Define Cardigenic Shock?
Signs of cardiogenic shock
Define obstructive shock
What are some of the causes of obstructive shock?
What are the normal levels of Lactic acid blood gas?
What does a lactic acid reading of 6 mmol/l or more indicate?
On an ECG, what does the P wave represent
On an ECG, What does the Q,R,S,T wave represent?
When placing ECG clips, Which clip goes where?
What is a holter?
What is meant by an 'Atrial standstill' ?
in ECG terms, What does AVIR stand for?
What is the shelf life of fresh whole blood?
What are the components of Fresh Whole Blood?
What is the shelf life of Stored Whole blood? What temperature is it stored at?
What are the components of Stored Whole Blood?
what is the shelf life of 'Platelet Rich Plasma' and how is it stored?
What are the components of platelet rich plasma?
What is the shelf life of fresh frozen plasma? and how is it stored?
What are the components of fresh frozen plasma?
What is the shelf life of frozen plasma?
What is the 'go-to' fluid in an emergency?
What does Mannitol do and when is it used?
What are the gauges for catheter sizes?
When placing an intravenous catheter, what and when is the cut down technique used?
Which human non steroidal is toxic to animals?
In poisons, what does chocolate contain?
What is the antidote to paracetomol?
What dangerous drug does bob martins flea products contain?
What does slug killer contain
What does the ingestion of lillies cause?
What does grapes cause ?
What is in anti-freeze and what does it do to the body?
What does chewing gum contain?
What would you give in the case of an anti-coagulant poisoning?
What is an Opiod reversal
Characteristics of benign tumours?
Characteristics of malignant tumours?
Name some Benign Tumours?
Name some Malignant Tumours