The Pharynx: (Pick the true ones)
There are 3 parts in its cavity
Epithelium of the mucous membrane in the nasopharynx is stratified squamous nonkeratinizing
m. constrictor pharyngis superior has 4 parts
ostium pharyngeum tubae auditivae is in nasopharynx
the muscles of the pharynx are constrictors and levatores
The Liver: (Pick the true ones)
There are Kupffer cells - components of the phagocyte system
The bile pole of the hepatocyte faces on the space of Disse
The afferent blood supply of the liver is functional and nutritive
The shape of the portal lobule is rhomboid
Has two surfaces: Diaphragmatic and visceral
Typical for the small intestine: (pick the true ones)
secretes pepsinogen
secretes mucus
secretes gastrin
resorbtive function
unistratified cylindrical resorptive epithelium
Typical for the small intestine is: (pick the true ones)
3 parts: caecum, colon et rectum
plicae semilunares
3 tenia coli
villi intestinales
duodenum, jejunum, ileum
The small intestine: (pick the true ones)
consists of 3 parts: duodenum, jejunum and ileum
the free surface columnar cells (absorptive cells) show cilia
the longitudinal muscular layer in its wall is collected in three bands, tenia coli
the epithelium of the mucous membrane is simple columnar absorptive epithelium
Brunner's glands are in the tela submucosa of the jejunum
The large intestine: (pick the true ones)
consists of 3 parts: duodenum, jejunum, and ileum
the mucous membrane forms the folds, circular folds (plicae circulares)
the longitudinal muscular layer in its wall is collected in 3 bands, tenia coli
the epithelium of the mucous membrane is simple columnar secreting
it has villi
The stomach: (pick the true ones)
The cardiac glands are in tela submucosa
consists of pars cardiaca, fundus, pars pilorica
the gastric glands produce pepsinogen, hydrochloric acid, mucus
its epithelium is simple columnar secreting
the muscular coat of the stomach is built of the smooth muscle in two layers
The pancreas: (pick the true ones)
is a mixed gland with exocrine and endocrine function
is located intraperitoneal (it is covered with peritoneum)
its exocrine part is compound tubuloacinar gland
cells secrete somatostatin
ductus pancreaticus opens in pars descendence duodeni
The pharynx: (Pick the true ones)
the auditory tube opens in its nasal part
is musculo-membranous tube with the skeleton of hialine cartilage
its wall is built of smooth muscles
mm. constrictores are 4
recessus piriformis is behind the ostium pharyngeum tubae auditiva
The lamina muscularis mucosae of the oesophagus is built of striated skeletal muscle.
The entire oesophagus is located intraperitonially
The covering epithelium of the stomach is unilayered cylindrical resorbtive epithelium
Circular folds (plicae circulares) are typical for the large intestine
The lining of the villi intestinales of the small intestine is simple columnar epithelium
The exocrine part of the pancreas is made of mucous acini
The exocrine part of the pancreas is occupied by serous acini
The Paneth cells are located in the glands of Lieberkuhn of the small intestine
The bile surface of the hepatocyte faces the space of Disse
The Kupffer cells are macrophages
The sinusoids of the liver are fenestrated capillaries
The vascular pole of the hepatocytes is towards the sinusoid
The billiar pole of the hepatocytes is towards the sinusoid
The duodenal glands are in the lamina propria of the mucous membrane
B cells of the Langerhands islets produce glucagon
A cells of the pancreas secrete insulin
The parietal cells are typical for the large intestine glands
The muscles of the palatum mole are striated skeletal muscles, involuntary
Arcus palatoglossus and arcus palatopharyngeus surround recessus piriformis
The space of disse is located: (pick one)
In periportal zone
Between hepatocytes in the hepatic plates
Between hepatocytes and sinusoids
Between two adjacent sinusoids
The sinusoids in the liver are: (pick one)
Fenestrated capillaries
wide capillaries with incomplete lining
The main cells of the stomach secrete: (pick one)
The intracellular canaliculi are characteristic of:
the chief cells
the goblet cells
the Paneth cells
the parietal cells
The epithelium of tonsilla palatina is:
Multistratified non-keratinizing epithelium
Multistratified keratinizing epithelium
Henle's epithelium
Pseudostratified Ciliated epithelium
The epithelium of the oesophagus is:
Stratified squamous nonkeratinized epithelium
Stratified squamous keratinized epithelium
transitional epithelium of Henle
ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium
Tunica muscularis of the oesophagus consists of:
smooth muscle
striated skeletal muscle
in the upper third is striated skeletal muscle
in the upper part is smooth muscle
Lamina muscularis mucosae of the oesophagus is:
Smooth muscle tissue
Striated skeletal muscle tissue
Half smooth muscle tissue and half striated skeletal muscle tissue
There are microvilli on the surface of:
Parietal cells of the fundus glands
chief cell of the fundus glands
the paneth cells
absorptive cells
Which of these is not a feature of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract?
Lamina propria
goblet cells
myenteric plexus
plicae circulares
Stomach cells which secrete hydrochloric acid are:
Which of these is a structural modification unique to the small intestine?
all of these are unique to the small intestine
none of these are unique to the small intestine
The longitudinal muscle layer of the large intestine forms three distinct muscle bands called:
Sigmoid colon
teniae coli
epiploic appendages
Within the liver, bile is produced by:
Kupffer cells
endothelial cells of the sinusoids
The condition in which the liver becomes infused with fibrous tissue and is unable to repair itself is known as:
Enteroendocrine cells differ from goblet cells in which of the following ways?
the direction of release of secretion
the use of exocytosis for release of secretory product from the cell
their presence in the small and large intestine
their origin from a crypt stem cell
secretion by a regulated pathway
Intercellular canals are typical for:
parietal cells
Paneth cells
main cells
Secretin and cholecystokinin are produced and secreted by cells in the lining of the alimentary tract. Which of the following statements about these two substances is true?
they are produced by the main cells of the stomach
they are digestive enzymes produced by the duodenum
they are produced by paneth cells
they are hormones that have target cells in the pancreas and biliary tract. They are produced by diffuse neuroendocrine cells (DNES cells)
they are produced by Brunner glands and released into the lumina of the crypts of Lieberkuhn
Which of the following statements concerning the principal fiber bundles of the periodontal ligament is true?
They are composed of elastin
they extend from the cementum to the enamel
they extend from the dentin to the cementum
they are composed of collagen
they extend from one tooth to the next
Passage of a bolus through the oesophagus into the stomach is facilitated by which of the following?
peristaltic activity of the esophageal muscularis externa
peristaltic activity of the gastric muscularis mucosae
reflux through the pharyngo esophageal sphincter
smooth muscle in the esophageal muscularis mucosae
reflux through the gastroesophageal sphincter
The small intestine has three histologically distinct regions. Which of the following statements concerning the histological differences in the three regions is true?
Peyer's patches are present only in the ileum
goblet cells are present only in the epithelium of the duodenum
Brunner glands are located in the duodenum and jejunum but not the ileum
lymph follicles are present only in the lamina propria of the ileum
the muscularis mucosae contains three layers of smooth muscle in the ileum and two layers in the duodenum and jejunum
Which of the following materials can be absorbed directly by the surface lining cells of the stomach?
Vitmain B12
Which of the following statements concerning liver sinusoids is true?
They are continous with bile canaliculi
they are surrounded by a well developed basal lamina
they are lined by continous endothelial cells
they deliver blood to the central vein
they deliver blood to the portal vein
Which of the following statements concerning the gall bladder is true?
it synthesizes bile
it is lined by a simple columnar epithelium
bile leaves the gallbladder via the common bile duct
it has no muscle cells in the walls
it is affected by the hormone secretin
Acinar cells of the exocrine pancreas secrete:
plasma proteins
Pancreatic A-cells secrete:
Pancreatic B-cells secrete:
Cells in the pancreas that secrete glucagon and insulin are which of the following?
A and B cells
acinar cells
D cells
pancreatic D1 cells
pancreatic polypeptide cells
Serous cells are glandular acinar cells that produce a watery, proteinaceous fluid. This cell type is most predominant in which of the following glands?
esophageal glands
intestinal glands (of Lieberkuhn)
the parotid gland
the sublingual gland
the submandibular gland
Hepatocytes secrete:
Which of the following structures contains both smooth and skeletal muscles?
The bile and pancreatic ducts enter which of the following structures?
2nd portion of the duodenum
Circular folds (plicae circulares) are characteristic of which of the following structures?
transverse colon
sigmoid colon
Omental appendices are located on which of the following structures?
ascending colon
There are no teniae coli in which of the following structures?
descending colon
The main pancreatic duct and the bile duct unite to form which of the following structures?
common bile duct
hepatic duct
accessory pancreatic duct
cystic duct
hepatopancreatic ampulla
The round ligament of the liver is the fibrous remnant of which of the following structures?
umbilical vein
ductus venosus
ductus arteriosus
umbilical artery
The porta hepatis gives passage to all of the following structures EXCEPT:
portal vein
hepatic artery
hepatic ducts
lymphatic vessels
cystic artery
The anatomical left and right lobes of the liver are seperated on the diaphragmatic surface of the liver by which of the following structures?
fissure for the round ligament of the liver
fissure for the ligamentum venosum
falciform ligament
porta hepatis
lesser omentum
The blood supply of the pharynx is performed from: A. B. C. D. E.
The human pharynx is conventionally divided into three sections: A. B. C.
The muslces affecting the tension and relaxation in the vocal folds are: A. B.
The esohageal constrictions (three narrows of the oesophagus) normally demonstrated radiographically after a barium swallow are: A. B. C.
The principal glands are found in the body and fundus. The walls of the gland contain at least five distinct cell types: A. B. C. D. E.
The three parts of the large intestine are: A. B. C.
The parts of the rectum are: A. B.
The parts of the duodenum are: A. B. C. D.
The shape of the portal lobe of the liver is .
The cells of the sinusoids of the liver are: A. B.
Interlobular portal triad consists of: A. B. C.
The lobules of the liver are: A. B. C.