This is a timed quiz.
You have 30 minutes to complete the 30 questions in this quiz.
What is the Arabic word for the day of resurrection? Choose the right answer
Match the following Choose the right answer
Surah Al Qiyamah speaks about ---------- the Arabs
The first recipients of the Qur'an are ---------- the initial stages of Qiyamah
The Day of Qiyamah is ---------- the day of standing in front of Allah (swt)
The root word of Qiyamah ---------- ق، و، م
Why Allah (swt) need to take an oath? Choose the right answer
As taking an oath was the practice of the Arabs to add extra weight to the message
The objects which are used are showing their virtues, benefits & merits to prove certainty or reality
To make that object a witness
Explain the word La [لاَ]? Choose the right answer
La [لاَ] refers to zayed or ziyada
It is an extra hurf, which gives the meaning of emphasis, that which is very important & that which cannot be omitted
It refers to ib'taal, the negation
It is negating the mind set of the disbelievers
Nafs ‘ammara ---------- is the nafs that urges man to do evil
Nafs lawwamah ---------- is the nafs that feels repentant at doing or thinking wrong and reproaches man for this
Nafs mutma’inah ---------- is the nafs that feels full satisfaction at following the right path and abandoning the wrong path
How is Allah (swt) negating the disbeliever who is mocking at the idea of gathering bones and life after death? Choose the right answer
Allah's power is sufficient to gather and recreate the bones
Allah (swt) has all the capabilities
Allah (swt) can even put our tips of little fingers in the correct form
What does man desire to continue doing (ayah 5)? Choose the right answer
Man desire to commit sins
Man desire to correct himself
Man desire to choose the right path
Describe the horrors of the Day of Qiyamah? Choose the right answer
The eye sight will be dazzled with shock & fear due to horrifying events one after the other
The moon will sink & there will be no light
The sun & the moon will merge together & there will be complete darkness
People will be looking this way and that way finding a place to flee. But there will be no escape or shelter
The place of return and the final destination is only to the Allah (swt)
Identify the meanings of the following Choose the right answer
عِظَامَهٗؕ - Fingers
بَنَانَهٗ - Bones
جْمَعَ - To assemble
مَفَرُّۚ - To escape
Allah (swt) will warn the man about his deeds which he sent forth & that which he left behind. Explain? Choose the right answer
Aasar - the effects & consequences of ones deeds
Sadqa Jariya - when a person dies, his actions comes to an end except in 1 of the 3 ways :- (a) A continuing act of charity (b) A contribution to knowledge & (c) A righteous child who prays for him
Deeds performed in youth & old age
Things which you prioritize (duniya) & things which you leave due to laziness (deen)
Who will be a witness against man on the Day of Judgement? Choose the right answer
All the above
How will a disbeliever react on the Day of Judgement? Choose the right answer
He will try to put forth excuses but they will not benefit him
He will try to give reasons but they will not avail him
He will try to acknowledge his mistakes but nothing will be accepted of him
How does Allah (swt) guides the Prophet (pbuh) to receive the revelation from the angel Jibreel (AS)? Choose the right answer
Allah (swt) commands Prophet (pbuh) to listen the ayats attentively first
It is Allah's responsibility to gather all the ayats & put it in Prophet's heart so that nothing is forgotten or misunderstood & Allah (swt) will teach Prophet (pbuh) to recite the ayats with proper pronunciation
Allah (swt) will make Prophet (pbuh) to follow the ayats inch by inch & to act upon it
Allah (swt) would explain, interpret and clarify the meanings of ayats for Prophet (pbuh)
What is the real cause of disbelievers neglectful behavior towards the Day of Resurrection? Choose the right answer
Intense love towards worldly life
Heedless of the Hereafter
Not mindful of lawful & unlawful pleasures
Describe the faces of the believers on the Day of Judgement? Choose the right answer
Their faces will be beautiful, fresh, radiant & glowing
These people will be joyful for they believed in the Hereafter
They will enjoy the pleasure of seeing Allah (swt) with their own eyes
What did the believer do to seek the delights of the Hereafter? Choose the right answer
He endured lot of sabar
He had intense love towards akhira
He was eager to meet Allah (swt)
Describe the faces of the disbelievers on the Day of Judgement? Choose the right answer
Their faces will be intensely frowned & gloomy
These people will be joyful for they disbelieved in the Hereafter
They will not be allowed to see Allah (swt)
What didn't the disbeliever seek the delights of the Hereafter? Choose the right answer
He never endured sabar
He had intense love towards duniya
He was never eager to meet Allah (swt)
He had prepared for akhira
What do you mean by َظُنُّ when it is followed by اَنْ ? Choose the right answer
The assumptions are doubtful
The assumptions are certain / sure
The assumptions are unlikely
What are the disbelievers assumptions as in ayah 25? Choose the right answer
They are about to be struck by a big calamity for sure
They will be doomed & are very certain about it
They are very certain about the act which literally crushes the backbone
What is death? Choose the right answer
Death is the beginning of Qiyamah for a person who dies
He will not be able to do anything & his account of deeds is closed as he left the world
His soul will be pulled out of the body and will reach the collarbones
How does the soul leave the body? Choose the right answer
The soul begins to leave the body from feet, making the body motionless
The soul moves upwards towards the throat, the collarbone
Then soul gradually leaves the body & person experiences death
How will the patient & his attendants react when they get to know that the person is sinking? Choose the right answer
The attendants will enquire whether there is any one to say a prayer and cure the patient
Patient will totally loses hope and becomes certain of departing from the world
The patient & his attendants are glad that the patient is departing from this world
What happens while the soul is leaving the body? Choose the right answer
His one leg will be joined with another as is done in shroud
This is the last day of the days of this world and the first day of the days of the Hereafter
There will be hardships that will meet more hardships
Describe the state of a disbeliever post death? Choose the right answer
The disbeliever will be driven towards Allah (swt) for the accountability
Angels drag him, pull him, beat him up on face & back as he did not believe in Hereafter & Resurrection
Also he neither believed in Allah (swt), Rasool, Deen, Quran & Sunnah nor established prayers
He denied & turned away from truth & took something else as priority while in duniya
Narrate Abu Jahl? Choose the right answer
Abu Jahl was arrogant & cruel
He was proud about his family, wealth etc
He used to stretch his body while walking
He belied Allah (swt), Rasool & the Revelation
What's the warning to the disbelievers as in ayah 34 - 35? Choose the right answer
They deserve the severe torments & afflictions
They deserve to be in one of the pits of Jahannum
They deserve the greatest & intense destruction
Explain ayah 36? Choose the right answer
Allah (swt) is comparing a man to a wild she-camel who is wandering aimlessly, grazing at will, without there being anybody to look after her
Allah (swt) is putting forth questions that does man thinks he will be left neglected?
Does man think that We have created him without any purpose?
Does man think that We have created him only to eat, drink & sleep?
How did Allah (swt) created man perfectly? Choose the right answer
Man once was a weak drop of sperm
Allah (swt) then transformed it into alaqa (a clot), then a lump of flesh, then he was formed and the soul was blown into him
He then became a perfect creation with healthy limbs, as either a male or a female
Is there a possibility of life-after-death? Justify. Choose the right answer
The whole act of creation, starting from the emission of a sperm-drop till its development into a perfect man, is only the power and wisdom of Allah (swt). Nobody can prove the same to be wrong in any way
Their intellect cannot refuse to admit that the Allah (swt) Who brings man in the world, also has the power to bring the same man into being once again
The above points mentioned is actually a response to those who belie the Resurrection