Shia Doula
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Business/Economics Quiz on strategic management multiple choice, created by Shia Doula on 14/04/2019.

Shia Doula
Created by Shia Doula over 5 years ago

strategic management multiple choice

Question 1 of 97


A key characteristic of strategic decisions is that:

Select one of the following:

  • they are likely to be concerned with, or affect, the long-term direction of an organisation.

  • they identify specific areas of strategic interest for the management of an organisation.

  • they result in better organisational performance.

  • they are normally definite decisions about the future of the organisation.


Question 2 of 97


Identification of what 'helps managers to focus on the environmental factors that are most important and which must be addressed most urgently'?

Select one of the following:


  • Key drivers for change

  • Scenarios

  • Five Forces


Question 3 of 97


What is meant by the term 'SBU'?

Select one of the following:

  • Strategic board undertaking

  • Single business unit

  • Strategic business unit

  • Service bureau unit


Question 4 of 97


The term ’corporate strategy' concerns strategy and strategic decisions:

Select one of the following:

  • At all levels in an organisation.

  • In certain types of organisations.

  • Developed by the senior management in an organisation.

  • In the private sector only.


Question 5 of 97


Which type of lens encourages a detached approach to planning and analysis, valuing hard facts and objectivity?

Select one of the following:

  • Variety

  • Design

  • Experience

  • Discourse


Question 6 of 97


Which of the following is NOT a way of overcoming bases of competitive advantage?

Select one of the following:

  • Increasing selling power

  • Imitation

  • Blocking first-mover advantage

  • Overcoming barriers to entry

  • Strategic repositioning


Question 7 of 97


Which of the following is not one of the alternative directions shown on the Ansoff product/market growth matrix?

Select one of the following:

  • Diversification

  • Developing new products

  • Corporate parenting

  • Bringing existing products into new markets


Question 8 of 97


It is possible to identify different levels of strategy in an organisation; these are:

Select one of the following:

  • Corporate and business unit.

  • Corporate; strategic business unit; and operational.

  • Strategic and tactical.

  • Corporate and functional


Question 9 of 97


What term is used for the 'long-term direction of an organisation'?

Select one of the following:

  • Strategy

  • Goals

  • Vision

  • Mission


Question 10 of 97


Which of the following statements accurately relates to the stakeholder model of governance?

Select one of the following:

  • Firms generally have a single-tier structure.

  • Shareholders have a legitimate primacy in relation to the wealth generated by organisations.

  • All board members are insiders (typically managers of the company).

  • Boards attempt to consider the wishes of all stakeholders.


Question 11 of 97


What term is used for a situation where early events and decisions establish policy paths that have lasting effects on subsequent events and decisions?

Select one of the following:

  • Strategic drift

  • Path dependency

  • Cyclical strategy

  • Historicisation


Question 12 of 97


What term is used for M&A integration in which it is implied that both the acquired firm and the acquiring firm learn the best qualities from the other?

Select one of the following:

  • Absorption

  • Holding

  • Symbiosis

  • Preservation


Question 13 of 97


In the context of strategic alliances, what is meant by the term 'collaborative advantage'?

Select one of the following:

  • The benefit of creating a new entity that is owned separately by the partners involved

  • The result of managing alliances better than competitors

  • The benefits of being part of a network of alliances of which an organisation is a member

  • The aim of two or more organisations in sharing resources and activities to pursue a strategy


Question 14 of 97


When using PESTEL it is easy to get overwhelmed by a multitude of details. Instead, it is important to step back and identify the:

Select one of the following:

  • relevant Five Forces that exist

  • market segments

  • complex links between each of the factors

  • key drivers for change


Question 15 of 97


Which of the following is likely to be a cost of corporate parenting?

Select one of the following:

  • Coaching and facilitating

  • Envisioning

  • Intervening

  • Adding management costs


Question 16 of 97


Strategic choices require an understanding of:

Select one of the following:

  • The organisational strengths and weaknesses.

  • The underlying bases for future strategy at business-unit and corporate levels; and the options for developing strategy in terms of directions and methods of development.

  • The business environment, the competition and the strategic capability of the organisation

  • The key drivers of change


Question 17 of 97


A film company and a music recording company may choose to combine, believing that the result will be more effective than the sum of the two component parts. What term is used for the benefits?

Select one of the following:

  • Consolidation

  • Synergy

  • Integeration

  • Diversification


Question 18 of 97


Best-in-class benchmarking seeks to assess organisational performance against:

Select one of the following:

  • The nearest geographical competitor

  • the competitor who is ’best inclass’ wherever that may be.

  • The nearest principal competitor.

  • The competitor who is the best in the industry


Question 19 of 97


Which of the following definitions explains what is meant by the corporate parent?

Select one of the following:

  • The founder of the business

  • The levels of management above that of business units

  • The central head office of the organisation

  • The owner or major shareholder of the corporation


Question 20 of 97


Core competences are the skills and abilities by which resources are deployed through anorganisation’s activities and processes such as to:

Select one of the following:

  • Survive using approaches and techniques that others cannot imitate or obtain.

  • Achieve competitive advantage in ways that others cannot imitate or obtain.

  • Survive.

  • Achieve competitive advantage.


Question 21 of 97


Which of the following terms is used for'an organisation that is loosely coordinatedinternationally, but involves dispersion overseas of variousactivities, with goods and services produced locally in each national market’?

Select one of the following:

  • Multidomestic

  • Global

  • Exporter

  • Transnational


Question 22 of 97


Who shapes and communicates strategy?

Select one of the following:

  • Senior managers

  • Managers at all levels and specialist strategists

  • Specialist strategists

  • Middle and senior managers


Question 23 of 97


What is defined as 'a group of customers who have similar needs that are different from customer needs in other parts of the market'?

Select one of the following:

  • Strategic group

  • Customer grouping

  • Market segment

  • Marketisation


Question 24 of 97


Which of the following are the correct axes for stakeholder mapping?

Select one of the following:

  • Control/interest

  • Influence/interest

  • Power/interest

  • Process/interest


Question 25 of 97


Which of the following is not a method of strategy development?

Select one of the following:

  • Foreign direct investment

  • Strategic alliances

  • Mergers and acquisitions

  • Organic development


Question 26 of 97


What term is used for two or more organisations sharing resources and activities to pursue a strategy?

Select one of the following:

  • Acquisition

  • Alliance

  • Merger

  • Organizational get-together


Question 27 of 97


What term is used for something that 'creates substantial growth by offering a new performance trajectory that, even if initially inferior to the performance of existing technologies, has the potential to become markedly superior'?

Select one of the following:

  • Sustaining innovation

  • Disruptive innovation

  • Platform launch

  • Positioning option


Question 28 of 97


Which of the following is least likely to be a contextual factor that might swing the balance between moving first to moving second?

Select one of the following:

  • Buyer switching costs

  • Capacity for profit capture

  • Fast-moving arenas

  • Complementary assets


Question 29 of 97


The four major players in a particular industry have all recently spent large sums reducing the environmental impact of their factories. What is the probable result of this on the competitive attractiveness of the industry for the players within it?

Select one of the following:

  • The industry would be less attractive because costs of entry have increased.

  • The industry would be more attractive because the bargaining power of suppliers has been reduced.

  • The industry would be more attractive because costs of entry have increased.

  • The industry would be less attractive because the threat of substitutes will have increased.


Question 30 of 97


The primary aim of Porter's Five Forces framework is to answer which of the following questions?

Select one of the following:

  • What do we know about the various forces?

  • What influence can be exerted?

  • Is the industry a good one to compete in or not?

  • How are competitors differently affected?


Question 31 of 97


In recent decades, technologies in the aerospace industry have become more difficult to master and the products have become more complex. Which of the following best describes how a competitive force has changed as a result in this industry?

Select one of the following:

  • Supplier power has decreased.

  • The threat of entry has reduced.

  • Buyer power has increased.

  • Tangible, intellectual capital

  • Intangible, financial resources


Question 32 of 97


What term is used for an organisation's abilities to renew and recreate its strategic capabilities to meet the needs of a changing environment?

Select one of the following:

  • Core competence

  • Competent substitution

  • Renewability

  • Dynamic capabilities


Question 33 of 97


What name is given to the purchase of components and services from the most appropriate suppliers around the world regardless of location?

Select one of the following:

  • Multidomestic marketing

  • International compartmentalisation

  • The global–local dilemma

  • Global sourcing


Question 34 of 97


A competitor finds it difficult to identify the basis for an organisation's competitive advantage. What term is used for this situation?

Select one of the following:

  • Causal ambiguity

  • Causal dependency

  • Interdependent causality

  • Ambiguous intercausality


Question 35 of 97


The Royal Bank of Scotland's consortium competed with Barclays Bank to acquire the Dutch bank ABN AMRO: the Royal Bank of Scotland won, but the excessive price of '70bn (~$98bn) soon drove the victor into financial collapse and government ownership. What term is used for this situation?

Select one of the following:

  • Winner's curse

  • Excessibility

  • Hubris

  • Acquisition


Question 36 of 97


Which of the following best describes a 'deliberate' strategy?

Select one of the following:

  • A strategic direction that emerges from a stream of decisions

  • A strategy that is the product of competitive pressure

  • An expression of desired strategic direction, intentionally formulated or planned by managers

  • An expression of desired strategic direction deliberately formulated or planned by managers that is realised in the fullness of time


Question 37 of 97


Which of the following is not a category in the BCG matrix?

Select one of the following:

  • Star

  • Cash cow

  • Question mark

  • Ballast

  • Dog


Question 38 of 97


The QWERTY typewriter layout is an example of which of the following?

Select one of the following:

  • Recency bias

  • Transformational change

  • Path dependency

  • Strategic drift


Question 39 of 97


What name is given to the process of divulging information to outside bodies when a person believes that their organisation is failing in its corporate social responsibility

Select one of the following:

  • Showing enlightened self-interest

  • Social auditing

  • Whistle-blowing

  • Legitimising


Question 40 of 97


What term is used for the process by which innovations spread among users?

Select one of the following:

  • Market pull

  • Disruptive innovation

  • Entrepreneurism

  • Diffusion


Question 41 of 97


In the Exploring Strategy Model, what heading is used to cover environment, capability, goals and culture?

Select one of the following:

  • Strategic position

  • Strategy in action

  • Strategic applicability

  • Strategic choices


Question 42 of 97


The experience lens suggests that strategies develop:

Select one of the following:

  • through the shared assumptions across similar types of organisations within an industry (or organisational field).

  • through the shared assumptions in the organisation, often thought of as the organisational culture.

  • through the individual experience of a few top managers or strategic planners.

  • All of the above


Question 43 of 97


Identification of what 'helps managers to focus on the environmental factors that are most important and which must be addressed most urgently'?

Select one of the following:

  • Five Forces

  • Key drivers for change

  • Scenarios



Question 44 of 97


What is defined as ’a group of customers who have similar needs that are different from customer needs in other parts of the market'?

Select one of the following:

  • Customer grouping

  • Market segment

  • Marketisation

  • Strategic group


Question 45 of 97


Which of the following is NOT part of Rumelt’s tests of Business Strategy?

Select one of the following:

  • Feasible

  • Consonant

  • Consistent

  • Evaluation


Question 46 of 97


Which of the following is NOT an outcome of Hrebiniak & Joyce (1985) environmental determinism framework?

Select one of the following:

  • Adaptation by design

  • Adaptation in situ

  • Adaptation within constraints

  • Adaptation by chance


Question 47 of 97


Which one of the following is not part of Bourgeois & Brodwin (1983) strategic implementation perspective on Leadership?

Select one of the following:

  • Commander Approach

  • Change Approach

  • Demand Approach

  • Collaborative Approach


Question 48 of 97


One of the following is NOT a condition for achieving Cost Leadership AND Differentiation

Select one of the following:

  • Innovation

  • Competitors stuck in the middle

  • Cost strongly affected by share / interrelationships

  • Strategy optimization Strategy optimization


Question 49 of 97


Which of the following is NOT a cost driver?

Select one of the following:

  • Economies of scale

  • Value-added services

  • Economies of learning

  • Production techniques


Question 50 of 97


Which of the following is NOT a differentiation driver?

Select one of the following:

  • Product features and performance

  • Value-added services

  • Intensity of marketing activity

  • Input cost


Question 51 of 97


Which of the following is NOT An outcome of Dunphy & Stace (1993) contingency based model change management?

Select one of the following:

  • Evidential performance

  • Dictatorial transformation

  • Forced evolution

  • Participative evolution


Question 52 of 97


Which of the following is NOT one of Bourgeois and Brodwin’s (1983) approaches to strategy implementation?

Select one of the following:

  • Developmental approach

  • Commander Approach

  • Cultural approach

  • Crescive approach


Question 53 of 97


Managerial attempt to link emergent and deliberate is often referred to as:

Select one of the following:

  • Combinatorial approach

  • Logical incremantalism

  • Recombinant techchnology

  • Emergent-delibrate move


Question 54 of 97


Which of the following is NOT a critique of the linear model of strategy?

Select one of the following:

  • Fallacy of prediction

  • Fallacy of detachment

  • Fallacy of formalization

  • Fallacy of value creation


Question 55 of 97


Which of the following is an outcome of the rationality, frictions and inertia associated with the linear model of strategy?

Select one of the following:

  • Political support

  • Creativity failure

  • New product development

  • Strategic foresight


Question 56 of 97


The linear model of strategy’s Emphasis on rationalization can lead to all the following except:

Select one of the following:

  • Unqualified acceptance and misapplication of techniques for strategic analysis

  • Professionalization of the planner’s job by making strategy a science

  • Excessive emphasis on quantification for strategic decisions

  • Logical incrementalism


Question 57 of 97


Which of the following school of strategy is NOT a prescriptive perspective on strategy?

Select one of the following:

  • Configurational School

  • Design school

  • Planning school

  • Positioning school


Question 58 of 97


Which of the following school of strategy is NOT classified as a descriptive perspective on strategy?

Select one of the following:

  • Cognitive school

  • Planning school

  • Learning school

  • Entrepreneurial School


Question 59 of 97


Which of the following is NOT one of the 5Ps of strategy?

Select one of the following:

  • Strategy as plan

  • Strategy as pattern

  • Strategy as ploy

  • Strategy as panoptic


Question 60 of 97


According to Barney (1991) resources are likely to provide a competitive advantage when they are Organized, valuable, inimitable and….

Select one of the following:

  • Rare

  • Reified

  • Expensive

  • Desirable


Question 61 of 97


Machines, buildings, raw materials, databases, computer systems are examples of…

Select one of the following:

  • Human resources

  • Physical resources

  • Intellectual resources

  • Financial resources


Question 62 of 97


Which of the following is NOT a key criteria by which capabilities can be assessed in terms of providing a basis for achieving sustainable competitive advantage?

Select one of the following:

  • Valuable

  • Rare

  • Inimitable

  • Transferable


Question 63 of 97


Which of the following might lead to the inimitability of a strategic capability?

Select one of the following:

  • Causal ambiguity

  • strategic organizing

  • Economies of scale

  • Creative forecasting


Question 64 of 97


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a core competence?

Select one of the following:

  • Provide distinctive consumer benefit

  • Can be leveraged and alters boundaries of firms

  • A critique of the strategy linear model

  • Hard for competitors to imitate


Question 65 of 97


The section marked XXXXXXXXXX in the figure below represents: ( figure is shown cba to try and put it here)

Select one of the following:

  • Scenario planning

  • Dynamic capabilities

  • Resource based view

  • Organizational capabilities


Question 66 of 97


Which of the following as argued by Leonard-Barton(1992) inhibit a firm’s ability to access and develop new capabilities?

Select one of the following:

  • Core rigidities

  • Core reductionism

  • Core competences

  • Core activities


Question 67 of 97


The more highly developed an organizations capabilities,…..

Select one of the following:

  • The narrower the repertoire

  • The broader the repertoire

  • The more lasting the repertoire

  • The more active the repertoire


Question 68 of 97


Which of the following is an approach to developing capabilities?

Select one of the following:

  • Strategic alignment

  • Product sequencing

  • Proactive marketing

  • Investing in patents


Question 69 of 97


Which of the following is NOT a step in the framework for analysing resources and capabilities?

Select one of the following:

  • Appraise the firm's resources and capabilities

  • Identify the firm’s resources and capabilities

  • Explore the linkages between resources and capabilities

  • Optimize resources and capabilities


Question 70 of 97


In 2016, it emerged that previous research into emissions from diesel engines was flawed and that they were much worse for the environment than other types of engines. For firms associated with the production of diesel engines, this revelation is best described as an ….

Select one of the following:

  • Weak signal

  • Inflection point

  • Megatrend

  • Wild card


Question 71 of 97


Due to uncertainty relating to Brexit, the pound is currently quite weak against many other currencies. Which element of PESTEL would this most relate to?

Select one of the following:

  • Political

  • Economic

  • Social

  • Technological


Question 72 of 97


The advent of comparison websites for products such as car insurance has had the biggest impact on which element of Porter’s Five Forces framework

Select one of the following:

  • Threat of new entrants

  • Substitutes

  • Rivalry

  • Power of buyers


Question 73 of 97


In the “Strategic Capabilities” element of strategic positioning, a good example of causal ambiguity might be ….

Select one of the following:

  • Where a car manufacturer has quality problems and it is hard to identify the root cause of the issues

  • Where an insurer has low customer satisfaction and it is unclear what the reasons are behind it

  • Where a telecoms company knows it has issues related to the PESTLE model, but is unsure which element is to blame

  • Where a fashion retailer is successful but it is hard for others to understand how it gains its competitive advantage


Question 74 of 97


Resources differ from competences in that ….

Select one of the following:

  • Resources are what we have, competences are what we do well

  • Resources are what we know, competences are what we would like to do well

  • Resources are what we have, competences are what we would like to do well

  • Resources are what we know, competences are what our competitors know


Question 75 of 97


One of the primary activities in Porter’s Value Chain is outbound logistics, which involves ….

Select one of the following:

  • Anticipating, identifying, and satisfying customer requirements

  • Activities that enhance or maintain the value of a product or service

  • Warehousing and transport of products and services

  • Transforming inputs into final products and services


Question 76 of 97


KFC’s special mix of eleven herbs and spices may be thought of as being most closely associated with which element of Barney’s VRIO model?

Select one of the following:

  • V

  • R

  • I

  • O


Question 77 of 97


1Aldi is a German discount supermarket chains with over 10,000 stores in 20 countries, & an estimated combined turnover of more than €50 billion. Which of Bowman’s routes best describes Aldi’s business approach?

Select one of the following:

  • Low price

  • Hybrid

  • Differentiation

  • No frills


Question 78 of 97


Which Generic Strategy best describes Sainsbury’s business approach?

Select one of the following:

  • Cost leadership

  • Differentiation

  • Cost focus

  • Differentiation focus


Question 79 of 97


Using the case study, “The IKEA Approach”, which of the following best describes Ikea’s Generic Strategy ….

Select one of the following:

  • Cost leadership & focus differentiation

  • Differentiation & cost focus

  • Cost leadership & differentiation

  • Differentiation focus & cost focus


Question 80 of 97


Which of the following is NOT likely to be a benefit of corporate parenting?

Select one of the following:

  • Coaching and Facilitating

  • Envisioning

  • Bureaucratic complexity

  • Providing central services


Question 81 of 97


Using the “Virgin – is the brand more than Richard Branson?” case study, which type of corporate parenting role best describes the Virgin Group?

Select one of the following:

  • Portfolio manager

  • Synergy manager

  • Parental developer

  • Appeaser


Question 82 of 97


The concept of a “born global” firm is where ….

Select one of the following:

  • A small firm internationalises rapidly at an early stage of its development

  • A firm moves quickly through the various internationalisation modes by rolling out its unique capabilities worldwide

  • A firm uses a sequential process to gradually increase its commitment to its newly entered overseas markets

  • A firm relies on its trading partners worldwide rather than its own presence in overseas markets


Question 83 of 97


Which of the four international strategies is most likely to be difficult to implement in practice?

Select one of the following:

  • An international strategy

  • A global strategy

  • A transnational strategy

  • A localisation strategy


Question 84 of 97


The Japanese camera industry grew to be world-renowned due to the high expectations of consumers in the home market. Which element of Porter’s Diamond would this relate to?

Select one of the following:

  • Firm strategy, structure and rivalry

  • Factor Conditions

  • Demand conditions

  • Related and supporting industries


Question 85 of 97


What is the global/local dilemma?

Select one of the following:

  • The extent to which local employees should be recruited or seconded from corporate HQ

  • The extent to which products/services may be standardised across national boundaries or need to be adapted to suit local needs

  • The extent to which marketing campaigns are budgeted for in the local or corporate parent’s currency

  • The extent to which foreign exchange gains or losses arise from international transactions


Question 86 of 97


Apple Inc. is an American technology company that designs & sells consumer electronics, software, & online services, employing 123,000 staff & earning $229 billion in worldwide revenue in 2017. The approach taken by Apple to product development focuses primarily on ….

Select one of the following:

  • Achieving first-mover advantage

  • Achieving cost leadership

  • Achieving maximum sales

  • Achieving success through being a “follower”


Question 87 of 97


Garmin & TomTom are well-known brands of stand-alone satellite navigation units for cars. However, the rapid development of equivalent smartphone apps has had a huge impact on their sales. The term given for this type of innovation is ….

Select one of the following:

  • Displacement innovation

  • Dysfunctional innovation

  • Disjointed innovation

  • Disruptive innovation


Question 88 of 97


Trial and error in strategy development is most associated with which of the following approaches ….

Select one of the following:

  • Political processes

  • Logical incrementalism

  • Strategy as continuity

  • Organisational systems


Question 89 of 97


The common approaches to capability-building exclude

Select one of the following:

  • Internal development

  • Acquiring capabilities through mergers and acquisitions

  • Accessing capabilities via collaborative partnerships

  • Buying from the capital market


Question 90 of 97


Accessing capabilities from an external source is to access them via collaborative partnership with suppliers, competitors or other companies having the cutting edge expertise. Which of the following is NOT one of the basic ways to pursue this course of action?

Select one of the following:

  • Outsource the function requiring the capabilities to a key supplier or another provider

  • Collaborate with a firm that has complementary resources and capabilities in a joint venture or strategic alliance

  • Develop competitive intelligence system and engage in industrial espionage

  • Engage in a collaborative partnership for the purpose of learning how the partner does things, internalizing its methods and thereby acquiring its capabilities


Question 91 of 97


An organization becomes a prime candidate for diversifying under one of the following circumstances

Select one of the following:

  • When it spots opportunities for expanding into industries whose technologies and products complements its present business

  • When it cannot leverage its collection of resources and capabilities by expanding into businesses where these resources and capabilities are valuable assets

  • When it does not have a powerful and well-known brand name that can be transferred to products of other business and use as a lever for driving up the sales and profits of such businesses

  • When diversifying into other businesses does not open up avenues for reducing costs via cross business sharing or transfer of valuable assets.


Question 92 of 97


Which of the following is NOT one of Porter’s three tests for buying or selling off an SBU to improve shareholders value?

Select one of the following:

  • Attractiveness test

  • Better-off text

  • Cost-of entry

  • Portfolio entry test


Question 93 of 97


Which of the following is NOT a benefit of the M-Form

Select one of the following:

  • Clearly removed executives responsible for the destiny of the organisation from the more routine operation

  • Benefits of specialisation

  • Improved organizational culture

  • Corporate management can measure the performance of business units Individualism and autonomy


Question 94 of 97


All the following is a key indicator of industry attractiveness EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Social, Political, regulatory and environmental factors

  • Seasonal and cyclical factors

  • Industry profitability

  • Business strategy


Question 95 of 97


Which of the following is NOT a strategic option for internationalization, diversification or innovation?

Select one of the following:

  • Strategic alliance

  • Mergers or acquisition

  • Resource based view

  • Organic development


Question 96 of 97


Which of the following is NOT a true about a strategic alliance?

Select one of the following:

  • Only two businesses can form a strategic alliance

  • It is a formal and mutually agreed commercial collaboration between companies

  • The partners pool, exchange or integrate specific business resources

  • Businesses involved remain separate, making alliances distinct from mergers and acquisitions


Question 97 of 97


Strategic alliances have become more popular in recent years because of

Select one of the following:

  • Increasing development costs and shorter product life-cycle

  • It is a formal and mutually agreed commercial collaboration between companies

  • companies racing to the bottom

  • Managerial hubris
