A reference to a cell used in a formula where, when the formula is copied to a new address, the cell reference does not change.
Restriction of a user's access to only those files they need in order to perform their job
The names and e-mail adresses of all the people to whom you are likely to send e-mail, stored as a file
Software designed to do a particular job.
Creating computer programs or computers that behave in a similar way to the human brain by learning from experience.
A code for representing characters in binary
A measure of the amount of data that can be transferred per second over the Internet or other network
All the inputs needed are grouped together and processed in one go
Copy of an e-mail sent to lots of people who are unable to see the e-mail addresses of the other people who have been sent the same e-mail
A property of the human body such a s fingerprints or patterns on the retina that can be used to identity a person
A graphic or image that is stored as a map showing the position and colour of individual dots of light called pixels
A website that allows comments to be posted
A person who posts their comments to a blog
A method used to transfer data wirelessly over short distances from fixed and mobile devices
A block or paragrapgh of text that has a symbol placed in front to make the section fo text stand out
A copy of an e-mail sent to more than one person
Stands for closed circuit television
Any symbol (letter, number, punctuation mark etc) that you can type from the keyboard
A decimal number (or alphanumeric character) added to a number for the purpose of detecting the sorts of human errors normally made on data entry
A network where several computers are connected to a more powerful computer that controls the operation of the network
Storing data in a format that requires less space. Bitmapped graphics such as photograpghs are usually made a fraction of their normal file size
An act that makes illegal a number of activities such as deliberately planting viruses, hacking, using ICT equipment for fraud
A law making it a criminal offence to steal or copy software
Only using part of an image
Rawfacts abd figures e.g. readings from sensors, survey facts etc
Term for the various methods by which data can be entered into the computer so that it can be processed
The correctness of data stored
A device that collects readings from one or more sensors. The time interval between each reading can be varied (called the logging rate) and the total time over which the data is logged (called the logging period) can also be varied
The process of using an ICT system to collect data from sensors over a certain period of time. Remote weather stations use this.
A law that restricts the way personal information is stored and processed on a computer
Where the same data is stored more than once in a table or where the same data is stored in more than one table
A way of ensuring that an e-mail or document sent eletronically is authentic. it can be used to detect a forged document
To copy files from a distant computer to the one you are workng on
The process of coding files before they are sent over a network to protect them form hackers. Also the process of coding files stored on a computer/storage device so that if the device is stolen they cannot be read.
An applied science concerned with designing and arranging things people use, so that the people and things interact most efficiently and safely
To take data from the package you are working on and save it. You can then view this file separately from the file it was created with or it can be imported into a different software package
An external network that can be used by the customers, suppliers and partners of an organisation as well as the organisation itself
Storage area where the URL (i.e. web address) of a website can be stored so that it can be accesses later using a link
A machine capable of sending and recieving text and pcitures along telephone lines (quite old fashioned now)
Where the output from the system directly affects the input
A space in an information handling system or database used for inputting data. For instance, you could have them for surnames, DOB etc
A file that is attached to an e-mail
This is a high speed computer in a network that stores programs and data files shared by users
A piece of software, hardware or both that is able to protect a network from hackers
Text placed at the bottom of a document
Checks performed on codes to make sure that they conform to the correct combinations of characters
The device/software that translates between two different kinds of computer networks e.g. between a LAN and a WAN
This is abbreviation for garbage in, garbage out. In other words rubbish into the computer produces rubbish out of the computer!
An ICT system used to capture, manage, analyse and display geographically referenced information
Another name for a satellite navigation system
Interface that allows users to communicate with the computer using icons and pull down menus
People who try to break into a computer/computer network with the intend to do harm or steal data
The physical components of a computer system
Meaningless total of numbers such as order numbers used to check that all the data has been entered
Text placed at the top of a document
An image or peice of text used as a link. When you click on the image or text , you are taken to another part of the same page or a different page or a different site, or it may open a new file or a new window
A feature of a website that allows user to jump to another webpage, to jump to part of the same webpage or to send an e-mail
A computer programming language used to create documents on the WWW You can use it to specify the structure and layout of a web document
To bring data from outside the software you are using into the software. The software converts the incoming file so the user can see and use the data
Data that has been processes by the computer
The person resposible for enforcing the Data Protection Act. They also promote good practice and make sure everyone is aware of the implications of the Act
The hardware devices used to feed data into an ICT system e.g. a keyboard or scanner
A method of two people using real time text to conduct a conversation
Where there is a constant dialogue between the user and the computer
A huge group of networks joined together
A company that provides users with an Internet connection
A private network used within an organisation that makes use of Internet technology
A field that is unique for a particular record in a database
Derived from information by applying rules to it
A network of computers on one site
Input method making use of numbers printed onto document e.g. a cheque, in a special magnetic ink that can be read by the reader at a very high speed
Combining a list of names and addresses with a standard letter so that a series of letters is produced with each letter being addressed to a different person
An ICT system that supplies information that helps give managers and others the information that they need to make effective decisions
One million pixels (i.e dots of light)
Thin cards you see in digital cameras used to store photograpghs and can be used for other data
The brain of the computer consisting of millions of tiny circuits on a silicon chip. it proccesses the input data to produce information
Used mainly to communicate between electronic keyboards, synthesizers and computers. The files are compressed to make them quite small.
The central circuit board of the computer that contains all the electronic components such as the CPU and memory chips
Music file format that uses compression to reduce the file size considerably, which is why the file format is popular with portable music players such as iPods and mobile phones
Making use of many media such as text, images, sound, anaimation and video
A group of computers that are able to communicate with each other
This is systems software that allows computers connected together to function as a network
This is a combination of software and a scanner that is able to read characters into the computer
Reader that detects marks on a piece of paper. Shaded areas are detected and the computer can understand the information contained in them
Shopping over the Internet, as opposed to using traditional methods such as buying goods or sevices from shops or trading using the telephone
Using ICT to help in the learning process
Software that controls the hardware of a computer and is used to run the applications software. It controls the handling of inputs, outputs, etc
The results from processing data
Check to make sure that data sent is the same as that received when data is transmitted from one computer to another
A series of characters chosen by the user that are used to check the identity of the user when they require access to an ICT system
A small hand held computer (quite out dated now)
Arrangement where each computer is of equal status
Data about a living identifiable person that is specific to them
Tricking people into revealing their banking or credit card details
The process of illegally copying software
A single point in a graphics element or the smallest dot of light that can appear on a computer screen
Passing off someone else's work as your own
Digital media files that can be audio or video that are released in episodes so that you can be fed them automatically when you connect to the service
This controls the printers within a network of computers
Any operation that transfers data into information
Performing calculations or arranging the data into a meaningful order
The set of step by step instructions that tell the computer hardware what to do
Fast temporary memory which loses its content when the power is turned off
A data validation technique that checks that the data input to a computer is within a certain range
Type of processing where data received by the system is processed immediately without any delay
A database where the data is held in two or more tables with links established between them. The software is used to set up and hold the data as well as to extract and manipulate the stored data
The way tables are related to or linked to each other. They can be one to one or one to many or many to many
When a cell is used in a formula and the formula is copied to a new address, the cell address changes to take account of the formula's new position
The output from a database in which the results are presented in a way that is controlled by the user and looks smart and professional
Obtains data stored on a tag (a small chip) using radio signals, which means that the reading device and tag do not have to come into contact with each other
A button/image that changes its appearance when a cursor is moved over it
Memory stored on a chip which does not lose data when the power is turned off
Hardware device that is able to make the decision about the path that an individual packet of data should take so that it arrives in the shortest possible time
A painful muscular condition caused by repeatedly using certain muscles in the same way
A method of sending podcasts
Commonly used system enabling maps to be displayed and show a location and guide the person to thier destination
Setting up bogus companies with bogus websites and then making off with the money from customers' orders
Devices that measure physical quantities such as temperature, pressure, humidity etc
This allows short low cost messages to be sent between phones. It is also possible to send these messages to phones using a computer or other mobile devices
A website that is used to communicate with friends and family and to make new friends and contacts
The programs used by computers
Unsolicited bulk e-mails (i.e emails from people you do not know, sent to everyone in the hope that a small percentage may purchase the goods or services on offer)
Program usually found with a word processor and most packages that make use of text, that checks the spelling in a document and suggests correct spellings