Created by Fxxxxxx Hxxxx Rxxxxx
over 5 years ago
Define pathogen
Define communicable diseases
Define antigen
Define vaccine
Define herd immunity
Define Monoclonal antibodies
Define placebo
Define tumour
Define health
Define non-communicable diseases
Define obesity
Define nicotine
Define carbon monoxide
Define tar
Define carcinogen
Examples of risk factors
Examples of non-communicable diseases
Examples of communicable diseases
Examples of pathogens
Examples of preventing transmissions of pathogens
Examples of ways pathogens are spread
Examples of viral diseases
Examples of bacterial diseases
Examples of fungal diseases
Examples of human defences
Examples of vaccines
Examples of the uses of monoclonal antibodies
Explain the importance of exercise for type 2 diabetes patients
Explain what damage alcohol has on organs
Explain why alcohol is not recommended during pregnancy
Explain the effect of carbon monoxide
Explain why smoking is not recommended during pregnancy
Explain the effect of smoking on the heart
Explain why legal drugs have a greater impact on the population than illegal drugs
Explain benign and malignant tumours
Explain characteristics of bacteria and viruses
Explain the symptoms, transmission, prevention and treatments of measles
Explain the symptoms, transmission, prevention and treatments of HIV
Explain the symptoms, transmission, prevention and treatments of TMV
Explain the role of white blood cells in immunity
Explain the role of antigens
Explain the process of vaccinations
Explain the importance of herd immunity
Explain why antibiotics can only cure bacterial diseases and not viral diseases
Explain what three things drugs are tested for
Explain the process of developing and testing new drugs
Explain how monoclonal antibodies are made
Explain how monoclonal antibodies are useful in pregnancy testing
Explain what is meant by nitrate deficiancy
Explain what is meant by magnesium deficiency
Explain the 4 physical barriers that plants have
Explain the chemical barriers that plants have
Explain the 4 ways plants defend themselves against herbivores
Explain why plants with TMV have stunted growth
Explain how someone can develop cancer
Explain the symptoms, transmission, prevention and treatments of Salmonella
Explain the symptoms, transmission, prevention and treatments of gonorrhoea
Explain the symptoms, transmission, prevention and treatments of rose black spot
Explain the symptoms, transmission, prevention and treatments of malaria