Created by Fxxxxxx Hxxxx Rxxxxx
over 5 years ago
Describe the diagram for interlocking spurs
Describe the formation of interlocking spurs
Describe the diagram for waterfalls
Describe the formation of waterfalls
Describe the diagram for a meander
Describe the formation of a meander and oxbow lake
Describe the diagram for floodplains
Describe the formation of floodplains and levees
Define flooding
What are the physical causes of flooding
What are the human causes of flooding
Explain how urbanisation leads to flooding
Explain how industry leads to flooding
Explain how deforestation leads to flooding
What are the social effects of flooding
What are the environmental effects of flooding
Define hard engineering
Define soft engineering
Define dams and reservoirs
What are the advantages of dams
What are the disadvantages of dams
Define channelisation
What are the advantages of channelisation
What are the disadvantages of channelisation
Define flood plain zoning
What are the advantages of flood plain zoning
What are the disadvantages of fllod plain zoning
Define washlands
What are the advantages of washlands
What are the disadvantages of washlands
Describe the Bradshaw model