Mackenzie  Ortlieb
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Quiz on Bio Exam 3, created by Mackenzie Ortlieb on 24/04/2019.

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Mackenzie  Ortlieb
Created by Mackenzie Ortlieb over 5 years ago

Bio Exam 3

Question 1 of 40


A common double stranded RNA virus invades your body and enters the bloodstream. What happens next?

Select one of the following:

  • B cells develop specific antibodies to bind to and fight the virus

  • MHC's latch on to the virus, targeting it for degradation

  • Toll-like receptors bind to the virus, making it undergo apoptosis

  • Natural killer cells inject the virus, making it undergo apoptosis

  • A secondary immune response activates


Question 2 of 40


The afferent arteriole of the kidney...

Select one of the following:

  • A. Has a higher oxygen content than blood found in the arteries supplying the intestines.

  • B. receives the entire body's blood supply as the blood prepares to enter the glomerular capillaries

  • C. Has a smooth muscle layer in the middle of its arterial wall that can constrict and relax, controlling diameter

  • B and C

  • A, B, and C


Question 3 of 40


What is the role of the liver in digestion?

Select one of the following:

  • the liver receives the chyme-like fluid from the stomach and intestines, where it releases bile and helps solubilize the fats

  • the liver secretes and stores bile which aids in fat solubilization

  • the liver secretes bile, which gets transported to the gull bladder, where it is stored and secreted into the bile duct (and eventually into the duodenum), aiding fat digestion

  • the liver secretes bile, which gets transported to the gall bladder, where it is stored and secreted into the bile duct (and eventually into the duodenum), aiding protein digestion


Question 4 of 40


The bicuspid valve...

Select one of the following:

  • Is open during arteriole systole

  • is open during ventricular systole

  • passes deoxygenated blood

  • is found on the right side of the heart

  • all of the above


Question 5 of 40


If oxygen levels in the blood decrease....

Select one of the following:

  • Chemoreceptors on the aorta and carotid will fire, telling the inspiratory neurons in the medulla to fire faster, resulting in hyperventilation

  • hemoglobin will be actively releasing loaded oxygens

  • CO2 levels will also decrease, shifting the oxygen hemoglobin dissociation curve to the right

  • iron will bind more tightly to oxygen

  • residual volume would decrease


Question 6 of 40


FIGURE. At what plasma glucose level will you find it in the urine?

Select one of the following:

  • 50 mg/dl

  • 100 mg/dl

  • 200 mg/dl

  • 300 mg/dl


Question 7 of 40


FIGURE. Which of the following is/are true regarding the line labeled as filtered on the figure?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Glucose filtration through the glomerular capillaries is linear in a plasma glucose range of 0-500 mg/dl

  • B. transporters for glucose become saturated around a plasma glucose level of 200 mg/dl

  • C. reabsorption of glucose matches glucose filtration rate under a plasma glucose rate of about 200 mg/dl

  • A and C

  • A, B, and C


Question 8 of 40


FIGURE. Suppose a person is injected with additional insulin (beyond normal blood insulin levels). How might this affect the above graph in terms of glucose handling?

Select one of the following:

  • The graph would be unaffected as insulin stores sugar into muscle, fat and liver cells

  • the filtered glucose line would be steeper

  • the filtered glucose line would be flatter

  • the excreted glucose would start farther, around 300 mg/dl instead of around 200 mg/dl

  • the reabsorbed glucose would plateau at a higher level (for example, 300 mg/min instead of 200 mg/min)


Question 9 of 40


A person's blood pressure is 80/30 mmHg. Which of the following processes might be happening in this person's body?

Select one of the following:

  • Vasodilation of blood vessels to the skin

  • heightened aldosterone release from the adrenal cortex

  • increased urine production

  • inhibition of the angiotensin-converting enzyme secreted from the lungs

  • increased blood flow to the small intestine capillaries


Question 10 of 40


If inspiratory reserve volume decreased...

Select one of the following:

  • A. tidal volume must have increased

  • B. vital capacity must have decreased

  • C. total lung capacity must have decreased

  • B and C


Question 11 of 40


DIAGRAM. This is where the gut microbiome can be found

Select one of the following:

  • 3

  • 4

  • 6

  • 1

  • 3 and 4


Question 12 of 40


DIAGRAM. Enzymes that digest proteins can be found here

Select one of the following:

  • 1 and 6

  • 6 and 7

  • 3, 6, and 7

  • 3 and 6

  • 3 and 7


Question 13 of 40


DIAGRAM. A sphincter (ring of smooth muscle) that separates these two compartments isn't doing its job well when an individual has heartburn

Select one of the following:

  • 3 and 4

  • 6 and 7

  • 6 and 3

  • 7 and 3

  • 5 and 6


Question 14 of 40


DIAGRAM. If this organ were removed, a person could still survive but may have some compromised digestive function.

Select one of the following:

  • 1 only

  • 1 or 2

  • 6 only

  • 6 or 2

  • 2 only


Question 15 of 40


The P-wave in the electrocardiogram...

Select one of the following:

  • A. Represents atrial contraction

  • B. happens while the semilunar valves are closed

  • C. can give information about cardiac output

  • D. gives information about the oxygenated content of the blood

  • A and B


Question 16 of 40


Which of the following is a player in the adaptive immune response?

Select one of the following:

  • macrophages

  • natural killer cells

  • histamine release following a cut

  • neutrophils

  • major histocompatibility complexes


Question 17 of 40


Which of the following substances would NOT be found in Bowman's capsule

Select one of the following:

  • Glucose

  • sodium

  • red blood cells

  • potassium

  • LH (hormone used to detect ovulation status in females)


Question 18 of 40


CHART. Which patient listed above could you confidently diagnose with hypertension but not diabetes?

Select one of the following:

  • patient A

  • patient B

  • patient C

  • patient D


Question 19 of 40


TABLE. High levels of ADH would be apparent in which patient's bloodstream?

Select one of the following:

  • Patient A

  • Patient B

  • Patient C

  • Patient D


Question 20 of 40


TABLE. From observing the numbers in the table above, what can you conclude?

Select one of the following:

  • A. elevated glucose levels may result in hypotonic urine

  • B. an individual with high blood pressure could have normal glucose levels

  • C. patient a and c are probably at about the same level of health, given only the numbers in the above table

  • A and B

  • A, B, and C


Question 21 of 40


How would you be able to tell if a person had type I vs type II diabetes?

Select one of the following:

  • It would be type II if the insulin levels in the blood are normal

  • it would be type II if they were also obese

  • it would be type II if they didn't respond to insulin injections

  • it would be type I if glucose showed up in the urine

  • it would be type I if exercise doesn't help at all


Question 22 of 40


On the venous end of the circulatory system...

Select one of the following:

  • A. blood oxygen content would be higher than the arterial end

  • B. blood flow (velocity) would be faster than the arterial end

  • C. valves promote unidirectional flow of the blood

  • D. blood CO2 content would be lower that the arterial end

  • A and C


Question 23 of 40


If the semilunar valves were opened before the AV valves closed...

Select one of the following:

  • A. stroke volume would decrease

  • B. cardiac output would decrease

  • C. ventricular systole may not occur

  • A and B

  • A, B, and C


Question 24 of 40


FIGURE. Which of the following statements is accurate concerning the above reaction in the capillaries of the lungs?

Select one of the following:

  • Carbonic anhydrase will drive the reaction towards more carbon dioxide production

  • the blood exiting the lungs will have a higher pH than the blood entering the lungs

  • this reaction doesn't occur in the lungs, it occurs in red blood cells in the tissues fo the body

  • reaction 2 will remain unchanged but reaction 1 will change

  • none of the above are true


Question 25 of 40


DIAGRAM. There is a condition called metabolic acidosis where H+ builds up in the blood and if not dealt with immediately can result in death. The body has internal mechanisms to combat metabolic acidosis, one of which is affecting the above equation. In the case that H+ is building up in the blood, which is true?

Select one of the following:

  • The above equation would shift to the left

  • the above equation would shift to the right

  • in the above equation, step 2 would stop happening

  • in the above equation, step 1 would happen faster

  • a person may begin to hypo-ventilate


Question 26 of 40


An animal requires 20 amino acids to make proteins. You know that...

Select one of the following:

  • All of these are essential and must be consumed in the diet

  • only the ones that cannot be synthesized from other macromolecules in the body are essential

  • essential amino acids are the ones that are found in animal tissues

  • essential amino acids are the ones that are only found in plant tissues

  • there are no essential amino acids, your body can make whatever it needs from other molecules


Question 27 of 40


If all other conditions are the same between two capillaries, then the capillary that is experiencing higher blood pressure will...

Select one of the following:

  • A. remove wastes from cells more efficiently

  • B. release more oxygen into the body

  • C. cause more fluid to flow into the interstitial space

  • A and B are true

  • All of the above are true


Question 28 of 40


Which of the following are true regarding septic shock?

Select one of the following:

  • it is associated with a fever

  • it is associated with low blood pressure

  • white blood cell count drastically increases in a short period of time

  • all of the above

  • none of the above


Question 29 of 40


Swallowing a fish whole would.... (gross!)

Select one of the following:

  • prevent digestion as the fish is too big to digest

  • have no effect on digestion or ingestion of the fish

  • slow the rate of ingestion but increase the rate of digestion

  • increase the rate of ingestion and increase the rate of digestion

  • increase the rate of ingestion and decrease the rate of digestion


Question 30 of 40


If you lymphatic system failed to collect the fluids that leave your circulatory system, you would predict...

Select one of the following:

  • the fluid would ultimately be picked up by the circulatory system

  • the fluid would be picked up by the digestive system

  • the fluids would diffuse back to the heart

  • there would be a lot of swelling

  • you would probably get an infection very quickly


Question 31 of 40


We briefly mentioned the hormone leptin and that mice who had leptin receptors knocked out (gone) developed obesity fast. This is good evidence that leptin...

Select one of the following:

  • is a hormone that signals hunger

  • is a hormone that signals you to eat

  • is a hormone that signals satiety (you are full)

  • is a hormone that stimulates contraction of the smooth muscle in the stomach

  • is a hormone that is important in mice but not in humans


Question 32 of 40


Where along the nephron is there absolutely no water reabsorption?

Select one of the following:

  • Proximal tubule

  • descending loop of henle

  • ascending loop of henle

  • distal tubule

  • collecting duct


Question 33 of 40


Which of the following is INCORRECT regarding T and B cells?

Select one of the following:

  • both are part of the innate immune system

  • they are both only found in vertebrates

  • they originate from different sources in the body

  • there are types of lymphocytes

  • they bind to antigens or fragments of antigens


Question 34 of 40


Vaccines provide protection against diseases by activating the ____ immune system so when a vaccinated person is exposed to a pathogen for the first time the pathogen raises a ___ immune response.

Select one of the following:

  • innate; primary

  • innate; secondary

  • adaptive; primary

  • adaptive; secondary


Question 35 of 40


GRAPH. According to the graph, oxygen will....

Select one of the following:

  • leave hemoglobin and bind to myoglobin at your muscles

  • leave myoglobin and bind to hemoglobin at your muscles

  • bind equally to myoglobin and hemoglobin in your muscles

  • not know what to do at your muscles so it will combine with H+ to make water

  • cannot determine


Question 36 of 40


GRAPH. What can you say about human maternal hemoglobin compared to human fetal hemoglobin?

Select one of the following:

  • A. human fetal hemoglobin behaves like it is operating at a higher temperature than human maternal hemoglobin

  • B. human maternal hemoglobin unloads oxygen easier than human fetal hemoglobin

  • C. human fetal hemoglobin behaves like it is operating at a higher pH than human maternal hemoglobin

  • A and B

  • B and C


Question 37 of 40


If a person blood dopes, their goal is to increase the oxygen carrying capacity of their blood. this would result in

Select one of the following:

  • blood plasma levels increasing

  • a greater risk of bleeding following a cut

  • a greater risk of developing blood clots

  • a higher proportion of white blood cells

  • fewer hemoglobins in systematic circulation


Question 38 of 40


Pancreatic enzymes aid in the digestion of

Select one of the following:

  • A. proteins

  • B. fats

  • C. carbohydrates

  • A and B only

  • A, B, and C


Question 39 of 40


which of the following would contribute to an increase in blood pressure?

Select one of the following:

  • vasodilation

  • increased total peripheral resistance

  • decreased heart rate

  • decreased stroke volume

  • none of the above


Question 40 of 40


When you are short of breath, your body signals hyperventilation because of dropping oxygen levels

Select one of the following:

  • True

  • False
