Created by Connor Benning
over 5 years ago
List examples of UK Statute Law applicable to construction
What powers do planning authorities have?
What is step one of planning legislation?
What is step two of planning legislation?
What is step three of planning legislation?
What is the difference between a contentious and non contentious application
What is the difference between planning for large projects and small?
What are planning obligations
What is a community infrastructure levy
The building act was prodused in what year and gives power to who?
What are the three primary goals of the building act?
What is contained in building regs 1-6?
What is contained in building reg 7?
What is contained in building reg 9?
What is contained in building reg 12-18
What is contained in building reg 21-35?
What is contained in building reg 36-37?
What is contained in building reg 38?
What is contained in building reg 41-44?
When was the health and safety at work act formed?
What powers do HSE have?
How can HSE enforce their powers?
Who requires a company health and safety policy?
What are the employers duties under HSE?
What does CDMR Stand for and what year was it released?
What are CDM regulations?
What is the main focus of the CDM regulations?
What does regulation 6 relate to in CDM and what are the stipulations?
Under regulation 6 of CDM who is reposible for producing an F10 Form?
What are the minimum welfare facilities under CDM and what schedule can they be found in?
Who are the duty holders under CDM?
What are the duties of the client?
What are the duties of the principle contractor?
What are the duties of the designer?
What are the duties of the principle designer?
What are the duties of the contractor?
What are the core communication documents under CDM regs?
What is contained in building regulation 39?