Created by Amukelani Ndlovu
over 5 years ago
Non- resident Royalties
Non - Resident Interest
Individuals Local Interest
Local Dividends Exemptions
Foreign Dividends
Purchased Annuities
Commutation of an Annuity
Tax-Free Investments
Amounts received as war pension
Disability pension
Compensation from workman's compensation, death or disability/compensation from RAF
Amounts received/accrued from social security outside the Republic
Uniform allowance
Persons employed outside RSA
Study loans & bursaries/ scholarships
Study loans & bursaries/ scholarships to disabled persons
Alimony & maintenance
Funeral benefits
Insurance benefits accruing to employees
Policy payouts of individual owned insurance policies
Unemployment benefits
Relocation allowances
Reductions in employees' tax payable by the employer through the Employment Tax Incentive Act