Created by Ruth Glasheen
over 5 years ago
what will the analysis of user centred design and stakeholder allow the designer to understand?
what may be used throughout the design process? and what does this allow ?
what areas does UDC consider?
what does stakeholder analysis broadly look at?
give examples
what is SWOT analysis?
in a SWOT analysis what are the terms that a product will be examined on?
what are focus groups a key source of ?
how are focus groups selected?
what are focus groups?
what happens in a focus group?
give examples of activities carried out in a focus groups and what can be learnt form them?
what do qualitative observations allow?
why are interviews often taken?
what does quantitative data involve?
how is market research taken and what does this allow?
what can market research identify?
what will market research often involve?
what is primary and secondry reaserch?
what are the primary research methods?
what are the secondary research methods?
What are the advantages of primary research methods?
what are the disadvantages of primary research methods?
What are the advantages of secondary research methods?
what are the disadvantages of primary research methods?
what is fashion forecasting used for?
give examples
what does fashion forecasting allow?
what does trend forecasting look at?
what does trend forecasting allow?
what does trend forecasting ensure?
where may data collection come from?
after this data is gathered what is done?
what is the term enterprise associated with?
what are entrepreneurs?
what do entrepreneurs often take on?
why are commercial partnerships formed?
who are venture capitalists?
what do these partnerships allow?
venture capitalists invest money what does this money allow companies to do?
this money is also known as funding how long can this funding be and what are the investors looking to make within this time?
what is crowd funding?
what do crowd funding platforms allow companies to do?
give some examples of these platforms