Created by Riley Loades
over 5 years ago
Explain LAN and WAN?
Explain the factors affecting Network Performance?
Explain the types of Network Hardware?
Explain the types of Network Cabling?
Explain Wireless Networking?
Wi-Fi Frequency Bands
2.4 GHz and 5 GHz
Explain a Client-Sever and Peer-to-Peer Network?
Advantages and Disadvantages of a Client-Server Network
Advantages and Disadvantages of a Peer-to-Peer Network
Explain the types of Topologies?
Explain the types of Topologies?
Explain what is meant by Protocol, MAC address and IP address?
Explain the types of IP addresses?
Explain Data Packets and Packet Switching?
Explain Data Packets and Packet Switching?
Explain Data Packets and Packet Switching?
Explain the TCP and IP Network Protocols?
Explain the other types of Network Protocols?
Explain the other types of Network Protocols?
Explain the Network Protocol Layers?
Explain the Network Protocol Layers?
Explain the Internet, URLs and a DNS?
Explain the Internet, URLs and a DNS?
Explain the Cloud and its Advantages and Disadvantages?
Explain Virtual Networks, VPNs and Virtual LANs?
Explain Virtual Networks, VPNs and Virtual LANs?
Explain the types of Network Attacks?
Explain the types of Network Attacks?
Explain Malware and the different actions of Malware?
Explain Malware and the different actions of Malware?
Explain the ways Malware can access a device?
Explain Social Engineering and the different types?
Explain SQL Injections and how they are used?
Explain what a good Network Policy will have?
Explain the types of Network Protection?
Explain the types of Network Protection?
Explain the types of Network Protection?