Created by Megan Price
almost 10 years ago
What is attachment type A?
(include details on the description, and the type of behavior shown)
What is attachment type B?
(include details on the description, and the type of behavior shown)
What is attachment type C?
(include details on the description, and the type of behavior shown)
What does PDD stand for?
(explain each step)
Bowlby's Theory.
at what age and characteristics are in the pre-attachment stage?
at what age and characteristics are in the indiscriminate attachment phase?
what age and and characteristics are in the discriminate attachment phase?
what age and characteristics are in the multiple attachment phase?
What is attachment type D? (include details on the description, and the type of behavior shown)
at least two criticisms of Mary Ainsworth's Strange Situation experiment.
Describe Deprivation
Describe Privation
Give supporting evidence that child care is good for child development.
Give contradictory evidence of that day care has a positive affect on child development.
Give some mediating factor research towards daycare having a positive outcome on child development