hey ohh
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Surgical Technology,Surgical Asepsis, Unit 2, Aseptic Principles And Techniques

hey ohh
Created by hey ohh over 5 years ago

Surgical Technology, Asepsis, Unit 2, Aseptic Principles And Techniques

Question 1 of 32


When wearing sterile gowns and gloves the arms should not be folded with the hands in the axilla because?

Select one of the following:

  • the axilla is a sterile area and should not be touched

  • your arms may become to warm breaking down the material

  • the axilla is an area that is not sterile

  • it is OK to place the hands in the axillary region


Question 2 of 32


The exception to the rule not to raise hands above the midchest area is to?

Select one of the following:

  • scratch a itch

  • fasten the string on your mask if it has come untied

  • adjust your safety glasses if they are fogging

  • place light handles or light covers prior to the beginning of the surgical procedure


Question 3 of 32


Sterile items and individuals may?

Select one of the following:

  • contact items that have high level of disinfection

  • not contact any other item or individual

  • contact only sterile items and individals

  • contact sterile items and individuals


Question 4 of 32


Members of the sterile surgical team should pass each other within the sterile field by facing one another or?

Select one of the following:

  • let the other team member know you need to pass them

  • walk behind

  • team members should not pass each other

  • pass back to back


Question 5 of 32


Non-sterile items and individuals may

Select one of the following:

  • only contact non-sterile items and team members

  • only contact sterile items not team members

  • may contact the circulator

  • may contact unsterile items


Question 6 of 32


Fluid bottle may be recapped and reused under what conditions?

Select one of the following:

  • if the fluids is to be warmed

  • if the bottle is sterile

  • if the pourer is wearing gloves

  • may never be recapped and reused


Question 7 of 32


The sterile field is opened_____?

Select one of the following:

  • after the patient enters the hospital

  • before the patient enters the hospital

  • when the surgeon says so

  • no more then 1 hour before the case starts


Question 8 of 32


If supplies are torn, wet or perforated they should?

Select one of the following:

  • put back on shelf in case backups are needed

  • opened and disposed

  • should not be used

  • can be used


Question 9 of 32


An appropriate response to contaminate is?

Select one of the following:

  • let the circulator know

  • tell the surgeon

  • let management know

  • discard and replace


Question 10 of 32


A non-sterile individual in the OR must maintain a minimum of how many inches away from the sterile field?

Select one of the following:

  • 10 inches

  • 11inches

  • 13 inches

  • 12 inches


Question 11 of 32


When pouring fluids you should not?

Select one of the following:

  • always recap for later use

  • never be recapped and reused

  • leave fluid in bottle so as not to reach over sterile field

  • keep 12 inches away from the basin


Question 12 of 32


Sterile team members may only sit when?

Select one of the following:

  • if the circulator is sitting

  • when the surgeon leaves the room

  • when the case is delayed

  • the entire procedure calls for it


Question 13 of 32


Sterile team members must pass each other how?

Select one of the following:

  • side to side

  • back to front, front to back

  • back to back, front to front

  • let each other know by hand signals


Question 14 of 32


When opening a laminated/heat sealed peel-pack the ______ represents the boundaries of the sterile area inside.

Select one of the following:

  • inner edge of seal

  • red boarders

  • outer edges

  • 2 inch margin


Question 15 of 32


What length is considered sterile inside an envelope wrapped gown?

Select one of the following:

  • 2 inch

  • 1 inch

  • 1/2 inch

  • 1/3 inch


Question 16 of 32


Any item partially falling over the top of the sterile table edge is?

Select one of the following:

  • a flash sterilization item

  • sterile

  • dirty and needs to be cleaned

  • considered non-sterile


Question 17 of 32


Once sterile drapes have been applied they should?

Select one of the following:

  • can be held down with tape

  • can be repositioned

  • protect the side of the table

  • not be repositioned


Question 18 of 32


when opening a sterile package, the unsterile person opens the?

Select one of the following:

  • top flap away from the body

  • top flap toward the body

  • side flaps first

  • top flap underneath away from body


Question 19 of 32


Fill the blank space to complete the text.

A sterile person should always position themselves to the sterile field.


Question 20 of 32


When opening a sterile item onto the sterile field during the surgical procedure, the circulator may?

Select one of the following:

  • present item to scrub while keeping 6 inches away from field

  • present item to scrub without reaching over sterile field

  • present item to scrub over sterile field because circulator is sterile

  • may not present item to scrub


Question 21 of 32


Fill the blank space to complete the text.

The level of the draped back table is the only part that is considered sterile.


Question 22 of 32


which parts of the draped mayo stand are considered sterile?

Select one or more of the following:

  • under drape

  • top of drape

  • under tray

  • any steel on the mayo stand


Question 23 of 32


To discourage a circulator from reaching over the back table to pour fluids you should position a pitcher or basin on the back table where to allow circulator to pour solution?

Select one of the following:

  • where the circulator can see the best

  • any place neayest to the circulator

  • back side nearest to circulator

  • front corner


Question 24 of 32


What areas of surgical gown are considered sterile?

Select one or more of the following:

  • elbows to wrists

  • elbows to neckline

  • gloves to 2 inches above elbow

  • mid chest to table level


Question 25 of 32


Which areas of the surgical gown are considered unsterile?

Select one or more of the following:

  • neckline

  • chest area to table level

  • hands

  • arms

  • cuffs once hands are threw

  • back of gown


Question 26 of 32


Fill the blank space to complete the text.

When wearing a sterile gown, the should never be turned toward the sterile field.


Question 27 of 32


What is the correct position for the sterile team members hands?

Select one of the following:

  • hands are not to move

  • hands are to be kept in the same exact place

  • hands are to be kept crossed at all times

  • hands are to be kept at table level or waiste level


Question 28 of 32


Check off the incorrect position for the sterile team members hands?

Select one or more of the following:

  • between chest and sterile field table top

  • behind back

  • at waist level

  • below waist level

  • above head


Question 29 of 32


Which PPE (Personal protective equipment) do sterile team members wear in the OR?

Select one or more of the following:

  • hair net

  • neck net

  • sheild

  • masks

  • triple gloves

  • triple layer boots over shoes


Question 30 of 32


Fill the blank space to complete the text.

An unguarded or unobserved sterile field should be considered ?


Question 31 of 32


If one of the team members is going to be late, how much time can a CST leave the sterile field sitting for before it has to be taken down?

Select one of the following:

  • 45 minutes

  • 1 hours 30 minutes

  • 1 hours

  • 30 minutes


Question 32 of 32


Which steps are correct statements when a CST punctures both gloves with an instrument?

Select one or more of the following:

  • the CST needs to inform the OR team that they have had a puncture and must rush to the wash room to clean hands

  • the surgeon needs to peel out to help the circulator

  • the circulator needs to glove them selves off the may stand then help

  • the circulator needs to gown and glove to help the CST out

  • the CST needs to discard the instrument into the trash bin

  • the CST has to remove the top glove them selves to check the glove underneath

  • person with puncture needs to hold hand out showing to the other team members their hand is unsterile
