How frequent are wrongful convictions (percentage)?
In WC cases, what percentage of cases result in the actual offender being convicted?
Use three studies to illustrate the attitudes towards wrongful convictions?
What are the causes of wrongful convictions according to Rattner?
What two pieces of research support the number one cause of wrongful convictions?
Specifically in the Encoding stage, what can make an eyewitness unreliable? Use studies to support. Think about critiques for the studies.
Specifically in the Storage and retrieval stages, what can make an eyewitness unreliable?
What are the best conditions for retrieval?
What mnemonic due UK police use to determine the reliability of witnesses and who is the mnemonic based on?
What is the misinformation effect?
What framework to misinformation tests use?
What is wrong with the old misinformation framework, who critiqued it and how have the tests been improved/modified?
What are the two hypothesis concerning misinformation an what are their implications?
Who is more susceptible to misinformation effects according to Frenda et al?
What interview technique is used to prevent the misinformation effect?
Evidence supporting the technique?
What is memory conformity and co-witness misinformation? How common are co-witnesses according to Patterson and Kemp (%)?
What key study was done on co-witness misinformation?
What amplifies memory conformity or co-witness information?
Often imaginations, thoughts and dreams are mistaken for actual memories, what is the name of the framework that aims to explain this and who is it by?
What is the process of attribution (CAPS) in source monitoring?
In Johnson et al's study, what was the main difference between those told to recall a recent social event versus childhood memories versus an imagined event.
What is the main criticism of the source monitoring framework? Who criticised it?
What percentage of innocent people are chosen in a line up?
What did Buckhouts study show?
In forensic research what is a system variable?
What is an estimator variable?
In a police lineup, what is a target and what is a foil?
What are the requirements in the UK and US concerning number of foils in a line up?
What is the Relative Judgement Process?
How does Wells illustrate the RJP?
The relative judgement process is a case for s____________ line-ups.
But what is the problem with s____________ lineups?
What is the correlation between Accuracy and Confidence? Why are the two so important?
Is confidence an indicator of accuracy?
What did Wells et al 2002 say in their review paper?
What increases confidence?
What is wrong with using correlations for Accuracy and Confidence?
What method is better?
What is a functional size in a line up?
What are the things that can affect lineup selection?
Which one is better for the selection of foils - suspect resemblance strategy or culprit description strategy?
What 4 guidelines are used to ensure that lineups are conducted correctly?
What did Kebell find in his review of the lineup guidelines in the UK?
What is the main issue faced by UK police officers concerning the practicality of the guidelines?