A persistent false psychotic belief regarding oneself, other people or objects despite evidence to the contrary. Positive
Hallucination (Positive)
Illusion (Positive)
Delusion (Positive)
The thought or belief someone is out to get you
Power, Importance, elevation above others.
Magical Thinking
Events or signs thought to be for the person
Loose association or derailment
Irrational thinking that someone is talking about or mocking them
Control or influence
Ideas of reference
Certain objects or people have control over their behavior such as a dentist or doctor placing a chip in them.
Control of influence
The false idea about the functioning of the body
Believing a part of them doesn't exist
The person has ideas that shift from one unrelated subject to the next
Ideas of Reference
Decreased speech
Alogia (Negative)
Mutism (Negative)
Angeria (Negative)
A group of words put together randomly without logical connection
Clang Association
Word Salad
Creating new words or expressions that have meaning to the individual but not to the common person
Neologisms (Positive)
Clang Associations (Positive)
Words they use rhyme, start with the same letter, rhythmic patterns
Clang associations (Positive)
Excessive demonstration of religious ideas about behaviors
Magical thinking
Extreme thoughts or feelings of suspicion
Delusions (Positive)
Paranoia (Positive)
The belief that one's ideas, thoughts, wishes, or actions can influence the course of events in the physical world.
Magical Thinking (Positive)
Inability or refusal to speak
Repeating the words they hear
Echopraxia (Positive)
Echolalia (Positive)
Imitating the movements they see
Your focus is inward, distorted thoughts about what your world is but you are taking it inward and excluding the environment
Regression (Negative)
Anhedonia (Negative)
Autism (Positive)
Emotionless state
Blunt or Flat affect (Negative)
Anergia (Negative)
The lack of energy to do anything
Inability to derive pleasure from things
Returning oneself to an earlier less developed point in life to help reduce anxiety
How many different Schizophrenia sub types are there?
Sub-type: Primarily deals with hallucinations and delusions
Sub-type: disorganized and unintelligible speech, bizarre behaviors, flat affect
Sub-type: changes in motor activity and responsiveness to environment
Sub-type: Not easily classified as any other sub-type
Sub-type: previous psychotic symptoms are no longer evident, has to have had at least one psychotic episode previously
What are positive symptoms or acute symptoms that are seen early on? (Check all that apply)
Waxy Flexibility
Clang Associations
What are negative symptoms that develop overtime, or behavior alterations?
Flat Affect
Waxy flexibility
Olfactory is
Gustatory is
What is Paranoid Type?
People exhibit a number of classic symptoms but undefined
Disorganized unintelligible speech
A lingering evidence of unusual behavior and blunted affect
Prominent hallucinations or delusions
Decreased motor activity and responsiveness
What is Disorganized Type?
What is Catatonic Type?
What is Undifferentiated Type?
What is Residual Type?
Approximately % of people with schizophrenia attempt suicide, while about % actually do commit a fatal attempt
What is Schizoaffective disorder?
Schizophrenic symptoms that last at least 1 month but less than 6 months (typically used as a preliminary diagnosis for schizophrenia)
Mood episode and active symptoms of schizophrenia occur together precede by at least 2 weeks of delusions and hallucinations
Delusional thoughts coinciding with life situations that could be true and last for at least 1 month
What is Schizophreniform disorder?
Short periods of psychotic behavior, usually in response to a crisis or severely stressful event with quick recovery (i.e catastrophic loss such as tornado or hurricane, plane crash)
What is Brief psychotic disorder?
Result of the use of or withdrawal of a drug or substance such as alcohol, cocaine, or methamphetamine
What is Delusional disorder?
Result of a condition that comprises brain function such as dementia, delirium, trauma, or brain tumor
What is Catatonia?
Marked psychomotor disturbance with 3 or more of 12 psychomotor features (stupor, catalepsy, waxy flexibility, mutism, negativism, posturing, mannerism, stereotypy, agitation, grimacing, echolalia, echopraxia)
What is Psychotic disorder due to another medical condition?
Marked psychomotor disturbance with 3 or more of 12 psychomotor features
What is Substance- induced psychotic disorder?
Short periods of psychotic behavior, usually in response to a crisis or severely stressful event with quick recovery
Phase 1 of Schizophrenia?
Phase 2 of Schizophrenia?
Phase 3 of Schizophrenia?
What is the Premorbid phase of Schizophrenia?
Social maladjustment or withdrawal
Delusions, hallucinations, incoherent speech( words salada, clang associations ), waxy flexibility
Just before fully developed illness is apparent.
Periods of remission and exacerbation
What is the Prodromal phase of Schizophrenia?
How long does the Prodromal phase last? Causes substantial dysfunction in life.
People have been in this phase for up to 1- 4 years in general.
People have been in this phase for up to 1 - 2 years in general.
People have been in this phase for up to 2 - 5 years in general.
How long does the Schizophrenia phase 3 last?
6 months
1 year
What is the General Behaviour of people with psychotic disorders?
Markedly impaired understanding of current symptoms and behavior
Severe personality compensation, marked impairment of contact with reality; severe impairment of personal and social functioning
Frequent apparent loss of orientation to time, place or person
What is the nature of symptoms in a psychotic disorder?
Wide range of symptoms, extreme deviations in thought, affect and action (delusions, hallucinations, emotional blunting, bizarre behavior)
Emphasis on biochemical abnormalities, maladaptive learning, decompensations under excessive stress
Often extreme changes in activity level; in some cases may be injurous to self & or others; high risk of suicide
What is the insight/ self-understanding in a psychotic disorder?
Severe personality compensation, marked impairment of contact with reality
What is the physical behavior of someone with psychotic disorder?
Wide range of symptoms, extreme deviations in thought, affect and action
Severe personality compensation
There are Delusional Disorders
To diagnose delusional disorder must be symptomatic for 1 month and can still work and function.
Non-bizarre disorder is a more realistic belief such as you are being followed or poisoned.
Bizarre disorder is less believable such as you have no heart or someone stole your stomach.
Erotomanic disoder is the believe another person such as someone famous loves them or wants them.
Grandeous disorder is a person that has an elevated and exaggerated sense of self.
Somatic disorder is the belief in a body alteration or disease that doesn't exist
Jealous disorder if the idea a partner is unfaithful and they will constantly search for proof.
Persecutory the belief you are being spied on, constantly calling the cops on the neighbor because they are up to something.