A protein's function is determined by the protein's shape.
What determine's a protein's shape?
the order of its amino acids
whether is has an amino group
the size of the protein
The order of mRNA nucleotides translated by the ribosomes determines ____________________.
the order of amino acids
the protein's function
the protein's shape
The order of DNA nucleotides in the gene determines __________________
the order of mRNA nucleotides
the shape of the protein
the function of the protein
Genetic mutations are "misspellings"
An antibody protein is shaped so that it can "handcuff" a particular antigen
DNA is ____________________ (check all that apply)
the original code for printing proteins
the self-replicator
made from RNA
The first step in the replication of DNA is ____________________________
unzipping of the double helix
complementary base pairing
proofreading the new copies and replacing incorrect nucleotides
When new complementary nucleotides are added to each side, what is created?
one double helix that is identical to the original
two double-helices, each identical to the original
two double-helices, each different from the original
Opening every chromosome down the middle of the DNA molecule describes the unzipping of the DNA double-helix
What is the complementary nucleotide that matches with Adenine?
What is the complementary nucleotide that matches with Guanine?
Molecular symbols of the genetic code are _________________________
amino acids
All cells have a nucleus.
The nucleus is the eukaryotic cell's hard-drive.
The small molecular parts that make up proteins are ____________________.
The mRNA transcribed from DNA is like a flash-drive.
Ribosomes translate mRNA code and synthesize (make) protein.
A codon is made up of three nucleotide bases.
RNA is __________ (check all that are true)
A copy of DNA
Made of the nucleotides A, C, G, U
Nucleotides are: (select one or more answers)
Used to figure out what the “recipe” says
Come in 3 letter segments called codons
Ribosomes are where:
DNA lives
RNA is decoded
Amino Acid chains start forming
DNA unzips
Amino Acid chains come together to form: