Where Theme Stored?
How Many Required Files on theme?
How to Overriding existing Magento or 3rd-party module template file?
Creating theme not recommended?
How to create custom theme?
Custom themes are located ?
when etc/view.xml is required ?
What required files for theme?
theme.xml Worked?
what task done by registration.php?
How do you defne theme hierarchy for your project?
How to use using the debugger, or by enabling template hints CLI?
How to debugger template manually?
How can you modify a template from Magento_Catalog module?
How to manage file when extending an existing theme?
Where copy in your theme vendor/magento/module-customer/
How can Blocks can be referenced ?
What methods can be accessed $block variable (Blocks can be referenced with the $block variable into template)?
What is Blocks?
What are
the lifeblood of normally static .phtml files?
block allows ?
By default, template blocks are injected?
Context object $this->validator contains a number of other
objects that are loaded into the instance?
Context object $this->resolver contains a number of other
objects that are loaded into the instance?
Context object $this->_flesystem contains a number of other
objects that are loaded into the instance?
Context object $this->templateEnginePool contains a number of other
objects that are loaded into the instance?
Context object $this->_storeManager contains a number of other
objects that are loaded into the instance?
Context object $this->_appState contains a number of other
objects that are loaded into the instance?
Context object $this->pageConfg contains a number of other
objects that are loaded into the instance?
Where abstract block is found?
Identify the stages in the lifecycle of a block?
When Magento is ready to obtain the HTML?
plugins can only modify the flow of data from--- methods?
best choice for globally modifying data ?
the use cases for events triggered from blocks is------?
who is responsible for rendering the block as HTML?
When using a template ---- involves loading a template?
What do If a cache entry exists _toHtml ?
when a block can be cached?
How long cache lifetime default?
cache key is generated?
searched process?
Where renders HTML to the user.?
Where prints a text string?
Where prints a ListText?
What task done by Templates?
Where extend the basic
template-type block?
Why Layout XML ?
What task done by <block/> in layout XML in the <body/> tag?
What task done by <container/> in layout XML in the <body/> tag?
What task done by <arguments> in layout XML in the <body/> tag?
What task done by <referenceBlock/> in layout XML in the <body/> tag?
What task done by <referenceContainer/> in layout XML in the <body/> tag?
What task done by <move/> & <remove/> in layout XML in the <body/> tag?
What task done by <update/> in layout XML in the <body/> tag?
Where to create a new layout XML fle
new layout XML fle extention?
Where Add the <page/>new layout XML fle?
Describe how to pass variables from layout to block?
<script type="text/x-magento-init"> used ?
data-mage-init attribute instantiates?
How use JavaScript and UI Components?
How Magento 2 utilizes RequireJS?
How Javascript modules can be completely custom, can extend a UI Component module?
<script/> tag. Magento’s <script type="text/xmagento-init"/> allows for loading modules and passing even complex
confguration info into them?
Where UI components work well?
Write example of requirejs-confg.js??
Write example x-magento-init??
Write example data-mage-init?