What does ASPA stand for and when was it founded?
What does AAI stand for and when was it founded?
Why was the ASPA founded?
Why was the AAI founded?
What does BOK stand for?
What are the BOKs determined by the HRCI?
What does SHRM stand for?
What does HRCI stand for?
What types of HR certifications exist today?
What does Business Management and Strategy encompass?
What does Workforce Planning and Employment encompass?
What does HR Development encompass?
What does Compensation and Benefits encompass?
What does Employee and Labor Relations encompass?
What does Risk Management encompass?
What are the PHR eligibility requirements?
What are the SPHR eligibility requirements?
What is the recertification requirement and process for PHRs and SPHRs?
How is the PHR/SPHR exam developed?
How is each exam item structured?
How many questions are in the exam and how much time is given to complete the exam?