Root Letters for الْحَيُّ are:
ح ي
ح ي ي
ح ح ي
ح ي ي ح
Ayat al-Kursiy is the longest ayah of the Qur'an.
Most Grand Names of Allahﷻ are:
What is the reward of reciting Ayat al-Kursiy after every Fardh (Obligatory) Salaah?
10,000 Good Deeds
Previous Sins are Forgiven
Good Life
Perfection of Allah's attributes are found in Allah's name ___________.
Translation of سِنَةٌ is:
Any Drowsiness
Any Sleep
Any year
Any Intoxication
Translation of يَشْفَعُ is:
He intercedes
He interceded
He helps
They intercede
Intercession will happen on the Day of Judgement for two reasons, they are:
To Ward off Harm
To Benefit
For Equality
For Reward
For Punishment
What are the conditions of intercession on the Day of Judgement?
Allahﷻ allows the intercession to occur
Allahﷻ allows the Intercessor to intercede
Allahﷻ allows the intercession to be made for the person intercession is sought for
Rasul Allahﷺ allows the intercession to begin
Rasul Allahﷺ permits the intercessor to intercede
Root letters for الْقَيُّومُ are ق و م.